The Adventures of Baby Eline & Grandma Naomi - The Past
After the sumptuous meal all followed Noah to the extensive library which was triple storied and completely filled with leather bound first edition books which for Naomi and Robert was simply baffling. How can one place hold all these first and rare editions? They didn't voice it loudly. Noah just smiled seeing their repressed curiosity. Noah directed them to the small table where there were several comfortable chairs around it. They all sat in a circle where everyone could see each other easily and looked at Noah expectantly. Noah cleared his throat and began. This story is many centuries old. To be exact the 12th century. Robert and Naomi were husband and wife and you were exactly the king and queen of this land and Eline and Ram were your children. "You got to be joking Noah. Do you really believe in all these crap in this time and age?" Noah smiled and continued, "I know Naomi, its a bit difficult to digest, but you will know when I retell the whole stor...