Happily Ever After Series - The Disease

Hi Guys!!! My family is going through a cancer phase. When I heard it the first time, I didn't feel anything, no feelings at all because I knew it was the body's message to calm down, take rest and enjoy life. Personally, if it was me, I would have done just that, but unfortunately, it was a family member, who heard the people around. People swarmed from every walks of life and advised 1001 ways to fight cancer. The best hospitals, the best doctors, the best after service, etc..etc... The one thing they forgot to take into consideration is what would happen to the human being who has been afflicted. Anyway, I am writing this post after 6 months of the above issue. The family decided to surgically remove the cancerous part, do the radiation and finish off the situation in one go. Everything was a grand success, except the doctor removed the facial nerve which was passing by the cancerous area and the patient has no sensation on that part of his face. So now, when he smiles or ta...