The Dilemmatic Problem
Today, I went to my past for a few minutes, not by choice, but by chance. I was passing my first job posting, it had many other people, whom I didn't recognize. But it was not a big deal, because I worked there when I was in college. So after that, many a waters passed that bridge. Don't you want to know, what made me think? At that time, there was a receptionist, who was very close to me, as we were of same age. We were in age, when we liked to have a love affair, which for me was a gone case. But I enjoyed hearing other's conquests. So my friend and colleague too was in love. "Oh, sure, I was too happy to hear all the nuances of the affair. So the first question came out of me, Who's the guy? So naturally, the answer as expected, a shy smile and a dreamy look, after much cajoling, the answer came in a whisper, his name is Sasidharan, he is a very nice man and very loving. That's natural isn't it, o.k. the next question, is what takes the pie, d...