Why Do You Get Angry?

From personal experience, one thing I know is, after every anger burst, I have regretted it. So let's check, what triggers anger? Unhealed hurt, triggers anger. What does that mean? Let me tell you a story Anil John is a government official. He makes sure, no work stays pending on his table. One day, he saw an old lady coming up with difficulty. He immediately helped her and asked, "How can I help you?" The old lady gave her papers and he found that it was in another department. He took her to the concerned department. Unfortunately, his colleague had closed shop 10 minutes before lunch. Anil humbly asked his colleague to help the old lady. But his colleague just laughed off and made a joke of it. The old lady, turned to Anil and spoke, "Son. don't worry, I will wait downstairs, until this officer returns." Anil couldn't control his anger, he caught hold of his colleague's collar and squeezed him. Colleague, immediately extricated himself and reques...