Bible - Man's Users Manual - Man's Birth

Dear Friends Before starting, I would like to know why we are here in the first place and why we are taking the life of Jesus as our User's Manual Do you think, that Jesus- The Son of God, should be born at all? No. Ans :- God promised Adam that He will reinstate Man to the garden of Eden and be with God, where there are no mediators only Man & God. Now it is the duty of man to follow exactly what God says to return back to Him. And that is why Jesus was born, to show us the way to God, to Eden. That is why Jesus told, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That is why we are using Jesus life as our Users manual to reach the Garden of Eden. Believe Me, its not Easy!!! Back to the Explanation :- So now, we know that even before the parents of Jesus were married, Jesus was conceived without any physical involvement or in any physical sense with Mary by anyone. That means, we...