Beware!!!! Your Thoughts are Tagged...

(30) Beware!!!! Your Thoughts are Tagged? (30) “Rafael, you told that God is in heaven. How do we reach there?” “Easy we’ll have to build the tower of Babel once more.” “What? The tower which created cultures and religions?” “Yes, the very same, that is the only way to Heaven, but this time not with stones or cement but with all that you have, no one can build a house with only one ingredient. Am I right or wrong?” “You are absolutely right. It surely would fall down. So what are the ingredients?” “First and foremost, your thoughts. The thoughts which you think cannot be seen by anybody, but that which is an integral part of your identity." All nodded “Actually its very cozy, to be with thoughts, isn’t Rafael?” “Yes it is, but you should know, that thought is the root cause of all that is good and evil, just like atoms of nature, just like bricks of a house.” “Really? Wow!!! That’s cool.” All nodded “Yes Mark, it is ...