Advantages of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the most sophisticated and accurate approach in health care was introduced by some eminent people around 5000 years ago in India Ayurveda aims at finding the root of a disease and then eradicating it completely from the patient whereas Allopathy aims at giving patient an instantaneous relief by destroying organisms that caused the disease but it is not guaranteed that the disease is permanently cured. The philosophy of Ayurveda is to prevent human beings from unnecessary sufferings and to give them a long and healthy life. Ayurvedic treatment consists of natural herbs and is based on direct sense perception, logical inference and hearing from realized souls and saints. Ayurvedic treatment mainly consists of essence of fruits, vegetables, spices and natural herbs which helps in curing diseases without having any side effects on the patient's body. Though it is not the fastest treatment but surely the most effective one. Ayurveda is well aware of the system of body...