There is Reincarnation
How can I say that? Its simple. We are energy beings. For energy, there is no death or birth. It only transforms from one form to another . So you transform until you stop your vibration. Let me give you an example. Look at nature, Let's check the water cycle Solid ice, when melted, becomes water. This water, when heated, becomes steam and after some time, the steam cannot be seen. But we know, that this steam, is rising up the sky. As it is rising, it will join other water bodies from ponds, rivers, seas, oceans, trees, gutters, etc. and become cloud. When the cloud becomes heavy, the water comes down from the sky and falls either in oceans or ponds or mountains or fields or somewhere else. And what happens to the water? Its life starts all over again from wherever it fell until it becomes steam again to go up the sky. This, is "A Never Ending Cycle". Its unimaginable right? John 3:3 New International Version Jesus replied,...