How To Control Your Mind?
There is only one way to do that. Meditation. That does not mean, sit in one place, close your eyes and breathe. Well, if you can do that, then that's perfectly cool. But if you can meditate, every waking hour, then, that is the best way. How do we do that? So, let's find, "who usually says, Meditation is boring?" Yes, your mind. What exactly is meditation? Meditation is to find your inner silence and peace. What exactly happens, when you decide to meditate or pray or be quiet? Your mind will shout "Its BORING!!!" You know you will have to sit there without TV, without your phone and you will have to sit still. You know it's impossible. You have so much to study, to work, to go there, etc... And you will hear it and say, "Yes, its boring and you have no time." You are now a slave of your mind. It is controlling you and you are not even aware of it. All the problems you are having in life is because you are following what your mind is saying....