After Death Where Are You Planning To Go?
Well, everyone would like to be in heaven. But there are several checklist you should fulfill to reach heaven. We will just check one of the check list – Remove negativities in you. Let me tell you with the help of a story. Smitha was preparing a vegetable patch in her backyard. While she was digging in that patch, she saw a glittering stone. She washed it. And to her surprise, she found that it was gold, covered in hard dirt and rock. Imagine, the gold as you and the dirt covering the gold, are your negativities, like hurt, anger, hatred, sadness, bitterness, etc. which you have accumulated in your lifetimes. Back to the story, Smitha knew, how to extract pure gold, she started breaking the stone to small pieces. When you are a human being, when you have a physical body, you can clear your negative qualities by your conscious choice. If you don’t clear it or remove it by your own free will, then the circumstance and the people around you, will forcefully remove it o...