You Hurt Me Once upon A Time

Yesterday, I met a boy, who was still hurting because he was not acknowledged with the right number of pledges uploaded in an app. He really worked hard on it and his supervisor, told his numbers less than he had uploaded and his colleague's more than he uploaded and yesterday was 6 months and still he is hurting. What will happen to his life? Let's evaluate, if he doesn't solve his hurt. His performance will reduce. He will not be interested in work at all. He will become sick because the hormones of hate and hurt are acidic in nature which cause damage to his body and some of the organs too in the process. What happens, if he forgives and forgets this incident? Healthier relationships. Improved mental health. Less anxiety, stress and hostility. Fewer symptoms of depression. Lower blood pressure. A stronger immune system. Improved heart health. Improved self-esteem. Only thing I want to say is, no matter who hurts you or degrades you, what you should feel is your choice. ...