How old are you guys?
Seventeen Fourteen Thirteen Are you sure? I feel, you are above thousand years old. Rafael, we know you are not joking, even in Guinness book, it is 115 years old, and then how will we cross 1000 and still look youthful? Because you are spirit. Spirit has no death. You didn't arrive in this world just seventeen or fourteen or thirteen years before. You were here long before that. Who knows, you might have been the first parents or the Pharaoh of Egypt. Whoever you may be or whatever you are, during each lifetime whatever actions you have done would return to you, if it has not returned in that very life, it crosses to the next life or lives. No wonder, why some people always are not lucky from birth onwards, I have thought it If you have hurt your parents in your previous life, by ill treating them, by putting them in oldage homes or someone else's home or pushed them into the street and abused them, beat them, then it has to return to you. That is why, some chil...