Be A Loser

Today in my family we had a very small fight, which could have aggravated, if I hadn't got the insight into the cause of it. It was so trivial a cause, that I felt, it should have been overlooked. But you know, we people are so strung with a joint family tagging around, that we make all sorts of mistakes just at every juncture of our life. Now, while this juggling of words were taking place, I was a silent spectator because I didn't want to add oil into the already raging fire with my words. I saw the faces, the expressions of all around. It was not good. So this made me think, we are all here to be happy and not to be sad, then why is it that we are always sad, with our own people more than outsiders? It was then, it came to me like a splash of cold water on my face, that if this is the case with us, then we are the reason for its origin. I know its very difficult to believe it. But its true. We all hear one jargon of Darwin in all aspects of life, whether its profess...