The Law of Prosperity

Prosperity is the result of putting the law of seed time and harvest to work for you. Gal 6:7,9 1) What do you really want? Be specific in your petitions to the universe. Don’t keep affirming that you want a generous income and fulfilling work, without clarifying exactly how much you wanted to earn, and in what form you wanted the work to arrive. That’s like walking into a restaurant and telling the waitress, “you want food.” What kind of food? How much food? Hot or cold? Would you like a beverage also? What condiments would you prefer with your meal? Many of us are vague in our desires. We know the general result we’d like (an end to financial difficulties, a better job, etc.) but there are many more facets to consider. First things first – we need to have a pathway for the prosperity to enter our lives, it might be business management, or hair styling, or baking or writing. It is possible to earn great money doing something other than what you truly love, but too many of us make...