The Best Way To Take Revenge On Someone

When someone treats you unfairly or humiliates you. When someone hurts you. Don't be angry. No matter how much you shout or throw or bash things those people would feel that you are immature. You are too childish to talk to. They would say in their minds - Grow up Man. That means - Anger is not an option. So then how should you take revenge on those guys? Answer :- With your skill, with your passion, with what you do best. If you want to take revenge on someone, be a better human being than them. Develop a skill and help as many people as you can and tell to your Self, "I am who I am because of those kind people who hurt me, who humiliated me, who was unfair to me." Thank them from the bottom of your heart. In short, whenever someone hurts you, don't think of bringing anger into the picture, Just smile and say thank you, because now you know, they are the stepping stones to your future successes. Remember, no one can change the situation except you. So ...