
Showing posts with the label anger

What Happens When You Are Angry?

  Well, let's start from the beginning. Do you know how many cells are there in your body? 50 trillion cells.  What is the speciality of these cells? Each cell is one person. So you have 50 trillion people inside you, which is approximately 6000 times of world population. It recreates all your thoughts and feelings. You might think, it's crazy, but that's how your body is made. So what happens when you are angry? When you are angry, you fight. Likewise, all the 50 trillion cells in your body too become angry and they start fighting among each other.  When you continue in your anger, your cells will continue fighting, ending in  deathly sicknesses like cancer, Auto Immune Deficiency disease, etc.. for you and blocking you from all the goodness in happening and filling you with darkness. How do you stop it? Be peaceful and full of love, then every cell of your body recreates your thought and feeling, thus healing, rejuvenating and regenerating your body, making you...

Spat On the Face

There are some things or instances at some part of our lives which really becomes a turning point to our very existence. Sometimes, it might be a big issue or just a trivial matter. For me, I have had hordes of experience on my very person which has been intrinsically interwoven into my life and its very beautiful too to look at when I sit and evaluate. It really helped me be a better person. But one instance really did hurt me. It didn't happen to me, but an incident triggered my memory of the previous incident. Long time back, may be five years back, it happened in a remote village in Andhra Pradesh. My family and myself decided to buy a plot of land. So, every evening we went around looking at good properties. So once our auto driver came to pick us up for our next destination,he and myself were waiting for others to join. As all were ready and when we started the auto, a widow passed us. Immediately, the auto driver spat and got off the auto. We were surprised by his acti...

Do We Really Need To Save Trees? Why?

Since the beginning, trees have furnished us with two of life's essentials, food and oxygen. As we evolved, they provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. Today, their value continues to increase and more benefits of trees are being discovered as their role expands. Trees reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change; trees increase biodiversity essential to human existence; trees store and purify water for agriculture and drinking; trees provide us with food, medicines and other forest produce; and trees beautify our surroundings. Ecological and Environmental Value Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, "One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon d...

The Last Judgement

Today I stood in the judgement podium, just like Jesus stood in front of Pontius Pilate. It was not a very happy moment. But one day, we all will stand in this place for sure, for our past mistakes. The funny part is, just like Jesus was condemned for several reasons, which was fabricated, we too would be condemned for no reason of ours. But don't get saddened, that is how, we get to clear our past mistakes. If we run away and chicken out from this situation by blaming others or giving reasons, then we will have to stand in the same podium again, with another bigger issue and of much higher grade. You have a choice, whether clear off this issue by facing it and finishing it in one go and make it your last judgement or have a repeat of all these things again and again. It was weird when I used to read the Bible, why didn't Jesus, the son of God did not respond, when he was being judged or lashed or crucified. Now I understand, why. Believe me, this Bible is not just another ho...

A Weird Friendship

I had an Eagle friend. I do not know, whether it was a he or a she because I am not a person who messes with the animal kingdom. We used to meet everyday at 6 am at church. He on the nearby fire station building would wait for me and when I arrive it would give a loud cry, just to say, he is there and I would acknowledge by raising my hand and run to the church because, my bus arrives at the nick of time and this Eagle used to wait till the mass finishes and when I come off he again says bye in his language and flies off. So after sometime, I had to leave the place and didn't return back. After several years and I went to the church, in the same bus and lo behold!!! I heard my eagle cry and looked up to find my friend there on the fire station building. I couldn't contain my tears. And when I came out after mass, it came down to the ground. That was the first time, I saw an Eagle at close quarters. It came near me, looked at me for sometime. I felt it cried. Anyway I think, ...

Are You Planning To Fly? Then Do It.

I am really glad at least, all the other living beings except man can live however they wish, without spirituality, mentality and super naturality. I just put some rhyming words, don't hold much store about that, if you cannot understand. But one thing please do understand, we are several steps ahead because we have lost the freedom and that has created havoc all around. Look at the nature, it rains whenever it feels like raining, flooding or snowing or sunning. Before, when our forefathers said, that it would rain in mid summer and they specified a specific date for snowing and it did just that. But now, sometimes, we do not have winter at all, instead summer takes its place or the summer is off and the rain takes its place. We are not sure, what is happening. But one thing is for sure, we are creating it and that is all because we are disobedient. You might think, what has disobedience to do with all these havoc. If we had played by the rules, do you think, we would get into t...

You are not entitled to pull off your hair

I do not know the line that divides a sane person from the insane. But I know, its very thin. Once I happened to see a movie about a normal man, who turns insane when he sees an housefly. I know, its simply weird. But its true. There was a flashback too for the reason, he becomes insane. Its just for a time period this insanity holds him and afterwards he is OK. This has really got me thinking. Man is basically a wild man. He has just put a coat of civilization over him and has covered his wildness under it. But in real fact, it is inside him. It could explode with just a sight of a housefly and we call it insane. But is it really an insane thing. I would say no because he has to be in the jungle free to express his anger, happiness whatever, in nature and instead we are forcing ourselves to control those instincts and become a volcano for small reason and the ultimate end, mental assylum or mentally deranged person or he would be in front of a counsellor. And that is sad. The nau...

The Flowers That Stood Upside Down

Everyday I go to church, though I take my bath early in the morning, there is this lethargic feel around at the early hours of the day in fact the first hour of waking up, bath or no bath and when I go to church, its the same two bowls of flowers and two candles on either side. But today it was a blast of colours on the altar, that my eyes really went out of sockets and my sleep just shot off from my system. Its very difficult to explain, but the way, they decorated the place and the angle with which a freely arranged long stalk flowers upside down, in the whole place, faced at the spectators and not a single one was turned the other side. I just wondered how can that be possible. Either they might have put pins or cello tapes. So I looked keenly, whether there was any. But none. So that means, the decorator knew the technique to decorate the flowers upside down without pins or tapes. At that moment I just got this feeling that, man has some unique qualities, which only one person h...

Drive Yourself Crazy....

"Driving me crazy" is what the slogan of every youngsters of the day. Its not about life. Its about their parents. You know, the oldies are too strict and they do it too perfectly and systematically, and they know, that it is the only way to get to be successful in life. But the age of the youth is just to enjoy, chill out, etc... and the forward blocking, water drenching, sober, poker faced parents, who have never known, what life is, never would understand. But the funny part is, these good for nothing parents had a time, when they were worse than their children and they learned their lessons the real hard way and they went through lots of heart burn and hand burn, tears and hopelessness, which if the children repeat, they too had go through. But we children are more wise than their parents, aren't we? We know the pros and cons of what we are doing and we are not the innocent people like them. We know people. We have had exposure with loads of them. So we know, what...

What is Entitled to You, Comes to You

Today, I had a very very energetic guest that it was next to impossible to get things done in a jiffy and without paying a cent. She was literally counting her pennies and planning her tour with her computer and the free wifi. So her friend was the person who was organizing the tour for her. Since he had 13 years experience in touring the place. He did it perfectly, getting the quote from different travel agencies and decided the best option, to take the trip with the best people and that was me. So he paid his part of the payment which included the flight tickets, hotels, houseboats and taxi. He waited for his friends to arrive and when they arrived, a male and a female. They were not very happy looking. And my friend was not happy to speak to them either. But since, they had no choice, they heard him completely and she mentally calculated the price and divided the price in British pounds and did shortcut calculation. For me, actually I could feel the British strictness oozing thro...

The Wonder Smile

I have never seen a guest so angry, like the people, I met today. Usually, when a guest arrives, they would readily have a smile and a good morning or something. But these people were so straight faced, that the person managing their reservation hadn't the courage to talk to them at all. Seeing this I just an idea of weaving a story, just for you. Lionel was the Managing Director of a big software company. It had branches worldwide. So on a daily basis he shuttled around the world. He could do that easily because he had no family, to say as his own. No social life too. So it was fine with him. One day, a charming young lady was his seat mate in the plane. She had the window seat and Lionel the aisle seat. This charming young lady smiled at Lionel and he didn't respond. He just took one of his files and started to read it. The plane took off and after sometime, the girl felt a stomach pain and she requested to allow her to pass, so that she could go to the toilet. He just got ...

How Sad?

Today, I met a very sad person, who really touched my inner me. Just don't ask me, how. But one thing is true, tears do have effect on everybody's heart. So I would like to weave a story about tears and its after effect. I do not know, how it would be. But still lets take the journey together. Long long ago in a small town, there was a girl named Roma, who was very jovial and happy. She was always smiling and gay, that everyone loved her presence. She had a pussy cat, which she loved with her life. One day, the cat went away never to return. She searched the whole place, nearby streets, forest, etc. But she didn't find her cat. She started crying and the whole town weeped with her. The next day and the next day, her tears didn't stop. It continued for days and extended to weeks. She went into the shell of sadness. She didn't allow anyone to get close to her. She never had a smile. She lost her lustre, the shine. One day, her aunt Matilda arrived very very early ...

Appearance Do Matter

Yesterday, the people were painting my place. So I was literally thrown out of my cocoon. But when I returned today, it was a new place, the face changed, the oldness changed, the shabiness changed. So seeing this I would like to weave a story, where appearance really do make a difference. Noma was a lady, who loved nature, who always tried to connect herself with nature. She never bothered with her appearance. She always looked shabby. If any one commented on it too she never cared. She just was happy that she was not like the rest of the people. One day, there was a recruitment of two nature lovers and eight scientists from the government level to be in the wilderness of the Amazon - An Expedition team. It was an opportunity for Noma. Though she was not highly qualified, the chances of she getting into the nature lovers section was meagre. But still, she applied for it. The day arrived for the interview. She dressed in her usual way and came down for breakfast excited. Seeing h...

Limitations Of Life

Have you wondered why people are always going for tours? and travel around the world? Some people say, to know the world. Some say, just to escape from the daily routine. Some say travel is knowledge, etc..etc... But if we go deeper, into the soul of me, I would say, I am in search of something perfect. Something that really makes me happy always. But for that, including myself we all know, that there is no place, which would fulfill our criteria. So I am going to weave a story regarding the eternal search. One day Martha was returning home, when she saw a banner giving the Dream Holiday of the lifetime. So she decided to look into it the next day. But this made her think, what would be her dream holiday? A holiday, where I would get to see the nature at its most beautiful state or great historical sights is also fine. But in the end, it should be a memorable one. A vehicle to drive me to all the places, according to my whims and fancies. A hotel, where its the epitome of luxury....

Mark your presence in History.

The place where I stay is very photogenic area. Its because it has a lot of history. Now in order to have history, it need to be there from time immemorial. So I would like to weave a story of time. There was once a lame boy named Ralph, who wanted to be famous. So he went to his father and asked, "Father, what should I do to become famous?" The father replied, "Do something good." So he decided to do something good. But his way of walking made everyone laugh. He was always the butt of joke for everybody. Even then, he tried to do good. But he was more a laughing stock than a social worker. Seeing the humiliation Ralph was facing, his mother said, "Son, why are you making everyone laugh at you?" "Mother, I am glad, that I can bring a smile to others face. I know, they are laughing at me. But I take it as a gift. God has given me, my lameness and I would cherish it and do whatever good I can do. Mother, don't be sad for me because I am not. ...

Anger - Spur Of The Moment Affair

Today I am going to say a story about storms. Some like thunder and lightning. But for me, I am on the chicken hearted side. But I have always wondered. How did it start in the first place. So I am going to weave a story, where I can break free my imagination. There was a time, when there were no division between the Heaven and the Earth. It was heaven everywhere. The place was always filled with music, love and happiness. But there was one problem. There were no women in heaven. It was only Men. The men were very happy. One day, a girl landed in heaven, a very beautiful lady. She had blue eyes, golden hair, rosy lips, etc...etc... All the male was awe struck by her beauty. But where did she come from? No one knew. So one of the men, the courageous of the lot came forward and asked where did she come from. But no answer came. She just looked at him open mouthed. Then another tried, with a different form of speech, the action language. No answer. So they just left the topic. But t...

The Unfairness Of Life

Today I saw a man waiting to snare a tourist into his net.The place where I stay is a very touristic place and my job too is the same. But I have an added bonus, I can write, what I feel. So I would like to weave a story of snaring - a good snaring, where both the parties get to benefit. Tourism business is one thing, where we have lots of competition. So people go to any extremes to get business. Jeff and Martha arrived at the airport for a week long visit of South India. Since they had referred to the lonely planet as their tour guide, they made sure, they kept their guide handy and took a pre-paid taxi from the airport. They were relieved to know, that they were not cheated or bargained. A very smiling driver came and introduced himself to the guests. "Hello sir, madam, I am Joy, your driver to take you to Fort Kochi." They smiled and shook hands and moved towards his taxi. "How long will it take to reach Fort Kochi from here Joy?" "Sir it takes tw...

The Wise Rain Tree

The next story is about a tree. The place where I am sitting has huge rain trees which has really stood the test of time. nearly 450 years old. So this story is about a seed, which came all the way from Africa to be planted by the Portuguese. John was sitting under the tree and sleeping when someone nudged him. He looked around and found nobody. So he again went back to sleep when he was pushed from the root. "What the hell is this?" "Son wake up. You have been sleeping for sometime. Why don't you show your mettle and not just waste your time in sleeping. Look around, how much energy the nature is giving out. The trees, the birds, the sun, the air. They are giving out their best, the light, the heat, the beauty, the scent and what are you doing in the middle of this splendour? Nothing. Son, now you are young. You have the energy to do what you like. But there will be a time, when you are fit to lie down in bed. But sir, you are just a tree and not a human b...

Sex Crazy World

Today, I received the shock of my life, when one of my cousins openly acknowledged that he has lots of friends and they are friendly in every away, including sexual relationship. I really got stuck. He has reasons too. God has given a life to enjoy. We all die and at that time, all what we have will be gone. Even the beautiful would be deteriorated. Then why waste our beauty and opportunity. Hearing all these I just sat there open mouthed. I really didn’t expect him to be like that. I was very sad. What do you think? Are you of the same type? I do not want to criticise or advice you. Remember sexual relationship is not the root of happiness. It would bring the lightning sensation and that is finished for the time being and again after sometime, man would feel, it wasn’t sufficient and again the process starts. It brings a short term satisfaction, which is so short, that man would like to reliven the experience and for that he tries with other mates. But, there is one thing, which h...

The Joke Of Life

Today, I do not know, but I had a weird sense of laughing out loud in the church. You might think, I have gone crazy. Yes, in a way. Yesterday, my mom and myself had a heart to heart talk, which brought something weird from it. She always quotes the Bible for each and every act. Though I'm not an expert, I too can stand up to her, for a shot or two. She was criticising me on something I did fifteen years before. So I replied, Mom, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.(Luke 6:37) Immediately, my mother replied, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the...