How to Save Trees

Recycle in a smart way. Some good ways to do this are: 1. Throw paper and cardboard in a bag separately from cans, glass and plastics. Look for tips on recycling so you know that your efforts will be rewarded with recycled material. Cut down on and share magazines, return unwanted catalogs to the sender. 2. Don't make exceptions at restaurants. If a waiter/waitress brings you napkins, just say no nicely. 3. Before printing a picture or document, ask yourself, "Do I really need to print this out?" If you're writing a paper for school, most teachers will accept neat handwritten work. 4. Try to use both sides of your papers. Use a printer that prints on both sides automatically Make a draft box(if you are in your office). Put in this box all the papers that have been printed on one side and use them as draft papers. 5. Make sure any paper you buy (toilet rolls, tissue papers, writing paper) comes from recycled sources. 6. Reuse paper bags or compost receipts and...