Everything happens for a reason
I have a tendency to give a message to my guest in a small paper or by a small card after they take a tour. Its my writer's tendency I feel. And I usually do not ask what message they received. So yesterday, one guest read her message and said, "Oh!!! it's a good message, I should really keep this in mind always and folded and kept it in her bag. Then we continued talking. In between the conversation, she said, "you should really practice the message you are giving to everybody because you are talking just opposite what you are writing." I was surprised because I didn't know what her message was and to be frank, I felt ashamed too. You know, even if I write great dialogues sometimes I return back to my basic nature at some point or other where fear, indecisiveness, laziness, anger, sadness, etc... do take a place in our life. Anyway she read the message she got, " Everything happens for a reason." I smiled and said, "Sure I will do that....