
Showing posts with the label Everything happens for a reason

Happily Ever After Series - I Respect Me

We always want everyone to respect us. For that, we go to any extremes to make people notice, our actions and words. And when the targeted people do not acknowledge it and do not respect us, we feel sad and depressed. Stop right there. Imagine you consciously smiled at someone. You should feel happy because you really gave a smile without expecting anything in return from that person.  When you are conscious of each moment of your life, you will feel proud of yourself and you'll feel, I really did a good job in smiling.  You do not need to do any grand gestures, just simple things in life can make a lot of difference. When each action counts, you will start feeling proud of yourself. So after each kind, loving and caring thought, word or action, be thankful and look around, you will feel that the world is changing around you. But in reality, its you who changed this world. So, let's start the journey together for  "A Happily Ever After Life". Meena

How To Stop Creating Negativities?

By consciously being aware that whatever you think, speak and do has a consequence. You are an energy being. Whatever you think, say or do, all has the same consequence. If you think bad but didn't do anything bad, that doesn't mean, you have not done anything bad. You have done bad because you thought it. Because, thought, word and action all produce the same vibration. So consciously stop yourself, when you begin to think bad.  If you can control yourself from bad thoughts, then you can stop creating negativities. It's easy to say, but very difficult to follow in life because you need to control your mind to stop from thinking bad. Because every human being thinks only bad of others, which we call judgemental. If you can control your mind. Then you will have only good consequence in life. Good luck with that. Bye. Meena

How Can We Forgive Our Enemies?

That's easily said, but very very difficult to follow. We all know, that when we do something, we will have to face its consequence. If it's negative, then negative consequence. If it's positive, then positive consequence. When Adam made the first mistake,  he had to face the consequence and we too. Do you think, God would have forgiven him,  if he had said, "I'm sorry, please forgive me"  instead of blaming Eve? " Of course. And not only that, God would have loved him more."  But unfortunately, Adam just blamed Eve for his wrong doing. Now look where it ended. I am writing and you are reading about it. Remember, no one can force you to make a mistake, unless, you choose to do it. So there is no point in blaming anyone for your mistake. But what has it to do with enemies? The people whom we say as enemies are the people who are here to clear our mistakes which we did. What does that mean? When you make a mistake, in thought, word or action, it become...

This One Habit Can Make You Successful

    What is it? It’s Passion. Let me tell you a story   “One day, an old man came to town. He told his neighbour that he needed someone to help him in his work for a month. The only condition was, the person should be willing to work. So, the neighbour went to her son, Ajaya and asked, “Would you like to work for your neighbour? Ajaya replied, “Is there a pay?” The neighbour answered, “He’s an old man, so it won’t be much.” The son shook his head and replied, “No mom. I am not interested.” In life, if you put a price for the work you do, then your heart will shut off. And your intelligence and mind will be working overtime, planning your future, which would be an utter failure. Why is that? The heart is your antenna to God or the Universe, that receives all the good things and good people towards you. It’s the heart that attracts all opportunities towards you. Now back to the story,     Luckily, Ajaya’s friend Joby, who had come to meet Ajaya, spo...

Miracle of The Best Sort

I have heard about selfless love with Jesus Christ and great saints. But in this day and age, its a rarity which I cannot even comprehend to think. Now the person who was selfless was my dad's friend's children. I last met them some 24 years back. Myself or my family had no contact with them resulting in an unattended relationship and for us life flowed without any thought of them. They were just our friendly past. Yesterday I accidentally met these people. They didn't recognize us but I did (luckily). Anyway, we introduced ourselves and their elation at meeting us was mind boggling and I was thinking, "Isn't it a bit queer". But still I was happy at least they recognized us by name. Now to one of the persons I met, her name is Celine. She is not a person who is overly gushy type, very silent and unobtrusive in character. Do you know what she did? She helped to keep the memory of my dad's grave intact. Yeah, I know, you didn't understand. Now, the...

Faithless World

There is one sad thing that hogs everyone’s life at one point or other, mistrust. I had been in that brunt for many a times that I have lost count. You might ask, how? Well, I was a boarder from very small, which means from kindergartren. You know, it was an age, when my things became public property. I didn’t have any stationery to say as my own. I had to beg every other hour for a pencil or eraser or a sharpener. And the result, Meena has nothing. I didn’t mind, until when trouble started brewing when others too lost their things. If someone lose something they immediately put the blame on me. And I a kindergarten student had only one answer, “ I didn’t take.” It was true. I cannot keep my own things, then how can I manage to keep other’s things. Anyway, no one believed except my dad, who said, “Whatever you say, I believe because you are my blood.” Well, I thought he was meaning the father – daughter relationship. But in fact, it was just something out of everyones’ comprehensio...

Everything happens for a reason

I have a tendency to give a message to my guest in a small paper or by a small card after they take a tour. Its my writer's tendency I feel. And I usually do not ask what message they received. So yesterday, one guest read her message and said, "Oh!!! it's a good message, I should really keep this in mind always and folded and kept it in her bag. Then we continued talking. In between the conversation, she said, "you should really practice the message you are giving to everybody because you are talking just opposite what you are writing." I was surprised because I didn't know what her message was and to be frank, I felt ashamed too. You know, even if I write great dialogues sometimes I return back to my basic nature at some point or other where fear, indecisiveness, laziness, anger, sadness, etc... do take a place in our life. Anyway she read the message she got, " Everything happens for a reason." I smiled and said, "Sure I will do that....