Happily Ever After Series - When Someone Shouts At You Angrily

When someone shouts at you angrily, the first question you ask yourself is, "What did I do wrong? " Your answer, "For correcting my mistake? But I didn't do any wrong." Your mind continues, "She hates me." And then you behave accordingly. How? By shouting back? or........ Forgive them? What is reality? Why do some people get angry for no reason or for small reasons? Because your action or your person triggered their bad memory. It's not your fault or their fault, it just came out from their emotional baggage unconsciously. When you know that they did it unconsciously, what will you do? You will forgive them and forget the incident, right? But if you don't forgive what will happen? Welcome aboard, you have created a memory for yourself and you will behave exactly like the person who shouted at you, but doubly strong than what they did to you. Do you want it? I hope not. If you don't clear this incident by forgiving them immediately, then it ...