The Right Choice

Hi Guys Last day I happened to attend a class. There the speaker spoke about choices, which made me think. "If there was a life without choices...... " We make innumerable choices a day, consciously, unconsciously, sub consciously, at the spur of the moment, choices out of feelings like anger, hatred, love, etc..... Anyway, I don't want to judge anyone on their choices, each one has their own reasons for making their choices, right? But, I want to give you some facts of human being's biology and how our choices affect our biology and destiny. First, let's know human biology The heroes of man - The five sense organs. It is what decides how a man thinks. You don't believe me. Just check this out. My best friend hurt me - I saw it, I heard it and this information is sent to the intelligence and from there the mind took over and shouted loudly, She is your best friend, she hurt you - So naturally I am very very hurt. Again the mind shouts, "A...