The Fine Line in School Life


How much can a balloon hold air or water? To be frank, I don't know. It just breaks at some point.

That means, there is a limit.

School life is the best experience one could ever have in ones lifetime. 

  • You are full of energy.
  • Everything is possible. Nothing can stop you from whatever you are planning to do.
  • You are not accountable for your actions, someone else will take it for you.
  • You are free.
  • You do not have to be responsible.
  • You can peacefully dream in front of a book. 

But the actions and choices you made is what creates your future. There is always a fine line between 

  • Right and wrong. 
  • The limit you can go and cannot go.
  • The words you can and cannot use.

When we cross that line ether you become a 

  • Winner or loser
  • Saint or Sinner
  • Police or a Criminal

And how can we know where the line is? Let me give you an example. When you inflate a balloon with Helium air, it expands. If we continue to fill it without thought, it may burst. However, if we are careful, we can stop at the appropriate time. We may let go, and it will soar into the sky, where there are no obstacles. The burst balloon will be put in the garbage or on the ground, where people will walk over it. So now you know what the fine all about. 

Parents and teachers play a very important role in pointing the children where the fine line is. They are good at saying don't do this, don't do that. Walk this way, walk that way, dress properly, cut your hair,  and the list goes on. I know its boring but believe me, if you listen to them, I can confidently say that your future life is going to be the best, with no one holding you back, making the right choices and going in the right direction. So, I wish all of the kids  - 

  • Dream Big and Soar High.
  • Do at least one nice thing daily.
  • Do not hurt people with your thoughts, words or actions
  • Be helpful to your parents and teachers. You might not like their way of saying, but I suggest to hear them out.
  • Take care of your health, your skin and try to maintain your beauty. Seeing you from here, you guys are all smart and beautiful.

And do not forget to enjoy your school life when you have it.


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