
My Best Day Of My Life

               This year I hadn't made any resolutions, for I have been making it from time immemorial and I have not fulfilled any of it and I am no good at keeping it up. So I thought, I'll " do it when I feel it " and that time just arrived.            Now I know that the days past is just a memory to cherish, the things I did cannot be changed and what is done is done. So I want to begin this day like the new dawn of the just born, with all my faculties intact, gifted by my life director, whom I'll be calling God has given me and with experiences till date and the loving touch of my heart to change myself with the help of the world and the people around . To make a new world where only love and care exists.To bring a small change on a daly basis by an act of kindness from my part , this in turn brings the eternal happiness...