
Promises Kept

(13)  “Rafael, I know, its not fair to say, but God made this universe as a maze, if he is a loving God, He would never have given us such a complicated nature to live in, don’t you think?” Rafael smiled. “Rebecca, God has never made any maze, this maze has been created by human beings itself.” “Are you sure? Now I really am in the maze. How did man create it, Rafael?” “As in the story, I told yesterday, when the door of the palace closed, the source of light, food, water, air all got blocked, darkness fell upon us, no food, water or air and when all these things are denied, what will happen Rebecca?” “Death.” “Exactly, death is the ultimate end but until then, we roam about the whole palace in search of other doors or any opening of sort and while moving we knock on furnitures, trip on the carpet, slip and fall because we cannot see in the darkness. And who is to blame for this plight of us, the king or us?  Who created this maze, God or We?” “Sor

Creation – The Cycle of Nothingness

(12) “Have you heard the story of Adam & Eve?” “Are you kidding Rafael? It has been literally drummed into us, from class 1 onwards. But it’s a Bible story, Isn’t it?” “Bible is no story book, Monica, in fact no religious scriptures are story books. It’s a User’s Manual.” “Users Manual?” “Yes, “Users Manual, those who are planning to live in this universe, should get the maximum output from it and how to get it, is written clearly and elaborately by different people whom God had destined.” “But, its really a complicated book, Rafael. If it is the story part, its OK, the other things, its Aramaic for us., if we read it before bedtime, it sure gives us good sleep.” “Yes Mathew, what you say is very true. But, that is because the cycle of nothingness came into being due to a simple act of our forefathers. We will never understand anything of the Bible, until it is opened to us.” “Come on Rafael, please don’t talk in riddles. We have heard the story of Adam

The Continuity of Creation

(11)   “Today’s topic is the Continuity of creation. You saw, how wonderfully and aesthetically interwoven, this nature is. Now its time to go in depth to the foundation of creation.” “Rafael, don’t you think, its too tough a subject to be of understanding to us?” “I thought so too, but don’t worry, no one needs degrees or diplomas to get to know, God’s plans. The most essential two factors to be near to God is “Truthfulness and Love”, then He will give you whatever you ask for.” All nodded. “Now to the subject, There is one thing, which repeats itself, in all the creations in this nature.” “Really? What is it” “It is a “ZERO”. “Zero?” all chorused together. “Yes Zero. What’s the specialty of Zero?” “It doesn’t have a beginning or an end. We do not know, where it starts or where it ends.” “Exactly Mark, it has no beginning or an end, all living beings are connected to a cycle. First the life cycle of man, then the time cycle, day cycle, year cycle, we

The Complexity of Nature

(10) “Hey Rafael, why are we in a garden and that too so early?” “Shhhhh. Just feel the silence and watch the blooming of flowers. Come sit, look at this rose bud, reign your thoughts and watch this spectacle.” Rafael whispered, all nodded and sat near the rose bush. The bud had already come out of its outer covering. The time was dark, nothing moved there was no breeze, the atmosphere had come to a standstill and thus stayed the whole world to watch the rose bloom. Then it moved, the tight lock, which kept all the petals together opened up like a fish’s mouth coming up for air. “Wow! What a grand display in the silence of nature. Its simply superb, isn’t it?” Mark whispered. All nodded for words were trivial in front of this magnificience and slowly the bloom opened up to a small rose bud right to pluck from the plant. “Come, we better move off, I have one more thing to show, before the sun comes out to its highest glory.” “ Hey, we have the whole beach for ourselves.”

The Orderliness of Creation

(9) “Before moving to the next topic, one more thing, I would like to add regarding the creation, The orderliness of nature". Look at the nature, The sun rises, sun sets, every living being wakes up when the sun comes out and rests, when the sun sets, the moon comes out and some nocturnal animals wake up and moon goes, along with it these animals too. What do you think children, am I right?” “To the very last word, Rafael.” “Do you think, that could happen, if it came accidentally?” All nodded in the negative. “I don’t think so Rafael, there might be life, but with this much order, I don’t think so?” “Good Rebecca. Now I am going to ask you all a very personal question” all nodded.” Have you all seen a just born baby?” “Yes” all chorused “Good, what does he do?” “Cry and smile, eat and do nature’s call, sleep and wake, play on his bed.” All nodded “Thank you Monica, That sums it all up, Good. Now after that what happens?” “He tries to move from the posi

The Weirdness of Creation

(8) “But Rafael, I can’t really accept this theory of God and He creating the Universe. Its simply foolish to think, that there is something which cannot be touched or seen.” “Hmmm. Thank you Rebecca for openly saying it, I appreciate your frankness.” Rebecca coloured.  “Come, we’ll find a comfortable place. I feel like to sit on the beach. What do you think?” All smiled and immediately they were transposed to a very large good looking beach. The place was deserted. The sun was so high, that they selected a shade  of the tree and sat there, stretching their legs. “So Rafael, would you mind continuing where we left?” “Sure Mathew” “Look at the vastness of the sea. It's so huge that if a big wave comes, would we be able to stop it?” Rebecca shivered “You’re making me scared Rafael?” “Rebecca, I want you to look at the power in all the things I’m saying. Just feel it. Because you have to know the presence of God,  who God is? The power He holds. No human being can