Kings Of The Moment

        It takes only a moment of decision to turn the tables for man. The first time I had the awareness of it was when I grew real big and mature. One of my friend’s sons had come to meet her and they talked and joked to all of us and she was very proud of them, and I really felt that, she didn’t underestimate their value. They were very good kids, aged 17 and 20. The eldest one was presented with a motor bike on his birthday and they had come in that to see her in her work place. They were planning to go for a vacation from their college, so they had come to do some shopping. The day started thus for all of us,  babbling with words, shuttling all opinions of the advantages and disadvantages of tourist destinations, etc. They went and we were left behind with a smile on our face.  After 30 mts, a phone call, the two kids were met with an accident, one died on the spot and the other in a critical condition in the ICU. It was so shocking, that we couldn’t accept the truth, that, they were the same kids. But in the end, they both passed away, leaving a nostalgic fragrance of their short time existence.
            These are the times, when we feel that we should really take care of the moment - The moment which would decide our destinies. But are we aware of it? That was the day, when I thought, I should get my priorities straight. Whether to do good or to go for the worst, whether to make others happy or make yourself happy, whether to be what I want to be or what others want me to be. All these things I decided, and sometimes I didn’t have any control of certain phases of my life but, one thing was certain, if we really set our priorities, we don’t have to deviate from it, life may lead to somewhere, but the priorities are in us – the decision to do the right. It really matters in life. It takes only a moment to decide, we can analyze, assimilate and do what all calculations, but when we decide, it will take just a moment and that moment is very precious and that faculty is given only to man. So don’t squander away this faculty of decision and don’t let the moment go, as we might have lots of time to analyze when old, to think about all our actions, and at that time even if we wish to change it, cannot be undone. So be the Kings of the moment –  Wise, Loving and Kind Decision Makers. That is the most Important Thing in Life.
Take Care


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