Yesterday I attended a mass service of the seventh day of demise of a nun. I had no personal contact with the nun, but my invitation rose from the friendly neighbour relationship. So when the bishop who was presiding the mass, highlighted the nun’s personality, I was awed by the different facets he touched about the nun. And he concluded with a phrase which really moved me. She is a person who smiles even when her heart is breaking and I was awed by this comment from a bishop, so how much hardships she might have gone through, to bring such a comment?
Life is too full of problems, big, small, fat, thin, long, short, goes the criteria of problems. Human being has an inbuilt mechanism to solve problems. But the way he utilises is the problem. There are two ways to solve it. One, by running away from it and the other by facing it. Whether facing or running, there are different routes, people utilize it.
I had a friend, a farmer, who had a small financial problem. He took a loan from his friends to alleviate from the problem and in order to return the money, he loaned from small money lenders and then to repay the debt, he took a big loan from the bank mortgaging his land and his house. And then he couldn’t repay the interest of the mortgage losing all his property. Here my friend, faced the problem by trying to solve it. But he actually was running away from the fact, that he should have to work out the problem of creating an income which could solve his financial crisis and work hard to achieve his goal. Instead he took the easy way out. This same situation rose to another of my friend. He too a farmer. He immediately went to the market and bought some seeds which could bring yield within a short period of time and generates income twice weekly – vegetable cultivation. He immediately did the necessary preparation of the land for cultivation and after two months, he started earning a regular income. He after 6 months, not only repaid his debts but started his own new venture. That is the difference between running and facing problems. When you face a problem, there would be an end to it, if we are running, then be sure you are in a quicksand, you would be immersed in the problem within no time.
The first and foremost, you have to take a problem as an opportunity. In the above two cases, the first man took the opportunity to beg money from others and thereby forfeiting his own property and tripling the amount of debt along with his maligned reputation and above all destroying relationships, while the second one was much more shrewd, he used his know how and worked hard, he not only cleared his debt, but he started a new venture in the process. So now you have a choice, whether you want to be the first or the second person, when a problem arise. But don’t think you’d be free of problem, it's the second skin of man. So face the problem wisely.
Bye and Take care.
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