Frail Hope

          I had not known the value of hope until I lost it. It was not that bad. I had lost the sense to feel. I was normal outwardly. No tears, just smile, in short I was an automaton. I had nothing to lose or gain just a dead person inside. It was at that time I happened to stay with a group of nursing students. Seeing their work schedule and their daily routine, there was nothing. Their life was just like mine, a robotic life, work, sleep and eat, but they had one more thing, which I hadn’t, lots of expectations and hope. Its good, they have just stepped into life. Its just a beginning for them. If ever they talk, it was about their patients, their diseases, the doctors, the other staff, the complaints, the gossip.
          In all these talk, there was one thing in common on a daily basis. Most of the patients didn’t want to live. 90% were poison cases. They consume all the weird poisons, I have ever heard, one consumed Neurobion, its actually a B complex tablet, another, toilet cleaner, Yuck!!! another Paracetamol, and another floor cleaner, Ugh!!!! but the most weird one I have ever heard was, a patient consumed mosquito repellent, which we get in small bottles (All Out). Luckily no one died. But the funniest matter was all the patients were male. Just imagine! The Macho Man with Poison? How the world has changed. But for me, whether male or female, when one loses hope, it’s the same- Death. But death is not an answer to all maladies - Life is. Try to live and make a difference, even if it is not for you, at least for someone out there, who knows, it might be your turning point.
          So I think, I’ll have to start from scratch. Don’t lose hope. I haven’t. For me life is too good to be squandered for trivial problems. Live life and break free of all tangles
Bye, Take Care.


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