The Nun Who Suffered

Today, I felt sad, the reason, one of my nieces is getting married. I know, your eyebrows are raised. But if it was just a normal marriage, like a girl meeting boy or vice versa, whether love marriage or arranged marriage, then it was OK, but my niece was a nun, had taken her final vows and from there, she abandoned her vows and returned back home.

And I asked the reason for this decision, her mother was all tears, saying she was starved and the food they gave was old and stale, etc...etc.... And not only that, she didn’t do it alone. She was accompanied by two other nuns. So this happened because of the ill treatment in the convent.

This same situation arose when one of my colleagues resigned from job. He was really appreciated in his work place. So I was a bit surprised when he quit. I asked, why he quit and the reason really got me unglued. You might want to know, what it was, right?
Well, he said, “All are taking leave and I had to do night duty for a week consecutively and in future, they might ask me to do it again. So I quit.”

Is it a reason? Well, for him it was.

Have you found any similarities in these two situation?

They both blamed others, their situation. Placing blame is a natural instinct. I too did that. Then life taught me certain lessons, which I would like to share with you.

Just look at the situations above, what did these two people do, when they came face to face with a situation they didn’t like?

They ran and they placed the reason in someone else’s door step.

That doesn’t make the situation any different. They get to lose their credibility in their own eyes. The sad part is, they would get the same situation with more punch again and if they run, it returns with triple force. This situation would recur until they decide to face it, live it and only then they would be able to overcome it. That is why Jesus Christ didn't utter a word, when he carried the cross, when he was crucified.

Everybody has sufferings, whether they are rich or poor, weak or strong, black or white. You will have a cross. Do not run from it and do not blame anybody because we are the sole people to be blamed because our cross is our own and nobody can take it no matter what. So its better to accept it and live with it. At least, we can stop running from bad situations.

Now, for the two best people of my life, they would have this same cross again. I hope they do not run at that time.

Take care. Be happy



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