Resignation Letter

Hey Guys!!!!

We all at one time or other need to move out from a rut. But this rut was once a saving grace for us. So we should be grateful for it. But to part ways in a friendly manner is not very easy. So I have put up a very friendly resignation letter. If ever a need arise to resign, you can surely use my resignation letter.

Name of the Employee
Name of the Firm


Name of the Employer
Name of the Firm

Sub :- Resignation Letter

Dear Sir

I regret to inform you that I would like to tender my resignation as (designation) effective from (date). I hereby give 1 month notice of my intention to leave the firm.

I made this decision, not because I’m unhappy with the opportunities you have presented, I have received a bigger opportunity which would alleviate my financial situation. It’s been a great pleasure working with you.

Kindly relieve me from my post and please issue me a job relieving letter and my experience certificate. I would also like to request your high office to settle my dues.

If there is anything I can do in aiding a smooth transition of responsibilities, please let me know. I wish you and your firm great success.

Thanking you.

Place (Sd)
Date Name


Hope you enjoy resigning.

Take care.



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