I Believe in God

Hey Friends

Yesterday I had the most touching conversation with my friend. He is abroad. It was his birthday two days back. So I happened to ask him, how he celebrated his birthday because I was thinking that he would not have come out of his stupor of sumptuous meal.

He said, "None knew it was my birthday and I made sure to keep it like that because, that day they do not have the cook to prepare food. Anyway, he decided to forego lunch. Since the decision was made, the day started as usual bright & sunny. Did I say, my friend is a priest? Well, he is a priest. So he presided the 7 am mass on his birthday. After mass, an Indian man, a marine surveyor came to the priest and asked, "Fr. are you free today?"

Priest :- "Yes, until 5 pm because I have a prayer meeting scheduled at 5.

 Mariner :- "Oh Good, would you be able to bless my home Fr?"

Priest :- "No issue, if you are ready, I can come with you now itself."

Mariner :- "Fr. there is one small problem, we have not prepared anything because we didn't expect that you would be free because for the past one year, I was trying to get my home blessed, but due to reasons beyond me, either I would not be free or the priest would not be available."

Priest :- "Not to worry, don't serve any food, I will come and bless your home and return immediately." Thus they set out to bless the Mariner's home. They reached home, waited for the family to light the candle and set the place, when the priest got a call from home, wishing him happy birthday. Since he didn't want anybody to know that he just replied "thank you" to the caller and replied only in monosyllables to the caller and cut the phone.

Mariner :- Fr. Can I ask you a personal Question?

Priest :- Yes, you can.

Mariner :- Is it your Birthday today?

Priest :- Yes, it is. The mariner's face lit up and said, "then we should celebrate." After blessing his home, the family prepared a sumptuous meal and he was dropped back to the prayer meeting place at 5 pm. The priest felt very touched by the way God blessed with a treat on his Birthday from nothing.

You might think, what is so touching about it?
This priest has been principal of several schools, rector of several hostels, director of several institutions and you know, the way they celebrate birthdays and feast days of the head of schools, institutions and hostels. Its simply grand, with food, cultural programmes, gifts, well wishes, etc....etc.... And that very same person decided to just forego his birthday lunch because there was no cook. But God did not backtrack from His commitment because He felt each and every person is Special and so He gifted with the celebratory lunch grandly at the nick of time with no strain from the celebrant's part. 

That is why I believe in God. He is always there for me and in everyone's life.  What about you?

Take care.



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