Life when old

Dear Guys!!!

I have had people blaming the children those who have put their parents in oldage, when they become old, but have you wondered what leads to it?

Just a preview of an eye opening conversation.

When old meets old, they prefer to talk about children and grand children. How they are treated? How do they feel about it. Yesterday, I happened to hear one, quite accidentally.

Grandma 1 : "My children, my grand children all love me so...... much that I feel really loved, and cherished and pampered."

Grandma 2 : "I have children and grandchildren, but nobody loves me, they dislikes me."

When we are a child or an old person, life becomes very simple, we don't bother about etiquette or sensivity or sensibility, whatever we feel is expressed without any barriers

Grandma 1 : "Why is it that everybody hates you?"

Grandma 2 : "Because I point out the mistakes of my kids and my grandkids or whoever I meet makes. So they are always angry with me."

Grandma 1 : "Oooh!!!! I never do that, my children are big and they know what is right. I do not want to criticize them. I do not scold their kids too because their parents know how to bring them up. So, I just hear whatever they say and that is the end of the story, I never comment on anything. I keep my opinion to myself. People never like to hear their mistakes.

Grandma 2 :  We are doing a service by pointing their wrongs

Grandma 1 : And do you think they will change? There is a time for everybody to grow, they either learn from their own experience or they will be aware from the criticism from others but I will not be the person to give that criticism because I am 80 plus and I have done my share of living and talking, now its time to shut up and enjoy life."

Grandma 2 : "When we die, God will ask me, did you, correct your son or daughter or whoever did mistakes in front of you? I will have to answer yes, that is why I am correcting them."

Grandma 1 : (Smiling) "Frankly, When I was young, the world was totally different, I do not know the world I am now, so I do not know whether they are right or wrong. So I let them live according to their moral code than mine. But if you feel you are right, go ahead, but you will be quite alone in your life."

This is a small peep to one phase of our life

If you ask my preference, I would go with the first grandmother, shut up and enjoy life.

Hope you be conscious of your life.

Tread it wisely.

When the old criticize the young, the young feel that the old is not comfortable with the young. And they try to give an opportunity for the parents or grandparents to feel happy and comfortable by putting them in the oldage homes, where they can meet their peer group. Don't you think, their thoughts are also right?

 So I would say, "Hey Old Guys!!!!! or Elderly Guys!!!!! let the young be and live your self without criticism or else, as the first grandmother said, you will be alone out there."




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