Don't Regret Your Past

Hi Guys!!!

Children have no past, which makes childhood fun. 

As we age, life becomes serious, realistic, hard work, seasoned. In short, we have everything, except fun. 

What changed? We became adults. 

As adults, we lose spontaneousness throwing away the sense of adventure in deciding at the spur of the moment. We started to think what other's think. And every adult has a reason for all these - Their past or someone else's past.


In our pasts we have our fair share of mistakes, missed chances, and "what-ifs"  So what? 

Do you regret it? Don't be. If we had the capability to know what the outcome would be, we would have selected the best outcome choice. Since we don't have that, we chose what we felt to do at that time. And it was the right choice for us at that time because we did all the mathematics (Unfortunately I am 0 in Mathematics😔), and decided on the right one. If it became a mistake, then that's good. If It became a success, then that's also good. Its like a lottery. 

Something or the other is bound to happen. Accept it, learn from it and make the best choice again and again and again. That's the beauty of life. Just remember, no matter how long you live, you will always be in the kindergarten of life. So mistakes, lost opportunities and regrets are bound to happen, that's the beauty of life. No matter what the outcome of your life is, the Sun shines for you, the flower blooms for you, the stars twinkle for you, the trees gives shade for you. Don't miss on that.

You are who you are because of your past, so, "Embrace it, love it, value it, say thank you to it and say goodbye to it. Why? Its past, that's why.

This moment you have now becomes past in a blink of an eye. So while you have this present moment with you now, make the necessary changes, smile at people, be kind to your self and others, use lots of kind words, do your home work on time, study on time, do your duties like brushing your teeth, taking bath, keeping your room clean, helping at home, your office, and the list goes on and on. The beauty of life is in the small details.

Make the best of your “Present”. I hope you choose wisely. 

Have a Blessed  day. God bless.



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