
Showing posts with the label Meena

Gain - The Don Juan

Hey Guys!!!! Though I am a social worker at heart, I do business for a living, believe it or not, I should be the last person to be in that profession because I don't know how to put a value for my service. When ones heart is involved, we just do it for love, kindness and all the heartly feelings, instead of money gain. So materialistically I have nothing to be proud of except I am there. Even now, my mom is angry with me for squandering my education for nothing. Well!!! I should thank my parents for giving me the best education in the best of schools, it helped me being me, making me happy, knowing a world which is far beyond my imagination and living my life to the maximum. Why I am saying this? I am happy what I am doing because I am following my heart. Do what your heart says and that is what is important in the end, that is the right path to get the ultimate fulfilment in life. No matter what the society says, if you feel strongly about what you do or want to do, then

Comfortable in your skin - Saneesh

Hey Guys!!!! Today, I would like to say something about Saneesh. He was always a smiling boy and a very simple person. Though he was not very studious, he worked hard to make a difference. I have never seen him joke or brag or outspoken. I have always thought, that every teenager had a tendency to  dramatize or overreact their circumstances. They would do anything to gain attention, but Saneesh was not that type, to be frank, only when the rolls were called we came to know, that Saneesh was there. I think, all students of my class got to learn from him about being complacent and non dramatic. Saneesh really made a difference with his presence alone for the whole class. He never criticized anyone and so everyone was comfortable around Saneesh. He was there to curtail our over zealous personalities by just being there, it brought a clear perspective of what to speak in public. Even the teachers gave him a special preference and nobody ever complained because he was innoce

Face Value - Jinson S Velamkunnel

Hey Guys!!!! Today its the boys of my class I am supposed to speak about, believe it or not these guys were gentlemen through and through but if you ask me very deeply about them, I would not know a single thing, because this was a convent school, the nuns were overwhelmingly protective when it comes to mingling with boys. That doesn't mean we cannot talk, we talk, joke, etc..etc.. but not the heart to heart talking eh!!! Still, I would like to write what I felt about these guys and how it made a difference in my life, it might not be true from their perspective. I am just jotting what I felt and make sure you understand, its my perspective okay???? So I will start with Jinson S Velamkunnel. He is a first bencher and a very studious boy. He was a real masterpiece in thinking. His thoughts had depth. Its like if we are talking chemistry, he thinks in chemistry, but does not connect to the real world, for eg :- 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom combine to form water, b

The Choice - Jancy James

Hey Guys!!!! I am sorry, I was not able to write for two days, its not because I was lazy, its just that I was sick. So while I was sick I saw a movie. In that movie, the mother of the heroine says to her daughter, "Don't ask God what you want, just say to God your problem and He will solve it for you more perfectly than imagined."  Isn't it Wow!!!! I was touched and it made me think, that is what we all do, we plan and waste all the time to solve our problem (which is incessant). When in real, we are making our life more tangled and complicated. So how about "Let God do the needful and we enjoy life????" Great!!! Now back to my friends. You might wonder why I am continuing with my friends, you know we have several organs and parts in our body, but each part is unique, we cannot replace it with any other part, likewise, each person helped me to be me as you see now.  My dad would always say, "just find one good trait in the person who is in

The Choice - Jancy James

Hey Guys!!!! I am sorry, I was not able to write for two days, its not because I was lazy, its just that I was sick. So while I was sick I saw a movie. In that movie, the mother of the heroine says to her daughter, "Don't ask God what you want, just say to God your problem and He will solve it for you more perfectly than imagined."  Isn't it Wow!!!! I was touched and it made me think, that is what we all do, we plan and waste all the time to solve our problem (which is incessant). When in real, we are making our life more tangled and complicated. So how about "Let God do the needful and we enjoy life????" Great!!! Now back to my friends. You might wonder why I am continuing with my friends, you know we have several organs and parts in our body, but each part is unique, we cannot replace it with any other part, likewise, each person helped me to be me as you see now.  My dad would always say, "just find one good trait in the person who is in

Consistency - Rency Alex

Hey Guys!!!!! The next classmate which I would like to introduce is Rency Alex. If ever I think about her it was the way she maintained her beauty and the way she dressed up. She was also good at studies and she has been studying in this school from kindergarten. She had a competitive spirit and always came in the category of first five ranks. (Please note  I was in the last or the second last rank holder). So its always good to appreciate all the intelligent people, which was literally the whole class. Now back to Rency, her consistency and persistency is what struck me to the core. From day 1 she always dressed well and made herself so beautifully that it was indeed a sight to behold. Usually at the age of 13 (personally, even now), I never cared how I presented myself but she did and still continues, even at this age is something to appreciate about. In life consistency is an asset which we really should cultivate and seeing Rency, I knew I can't compete in dressing up,

God's Plan for the World - Lailamma

Hey Guys!!!! One of the most simplest classmates I have had is Lailamma. I have never seen any big kid so childlike. Lailamma came from a lower middle class faily. The only difference between Lailamma and me was, she worked in the convent instead of playing. She was an upbeat person. Her main focus was the headmistress of our school, Sr. Jonas. Her world revolved around this nun. If the nun was angry, Lailamma will wilt within the second, but she forgets it and returns back to her normal self. She was not the type to hold grudges. I don't know whether she knows me, even though we were 13 in class, she was like a butterfly. Regarding the studious part, she was not very brilliant because she wasn't used to having to learn the subjects in English language. Even though it was very difficult for her to understand, despite all odds, she learned really hard and tried to pass just to get a smile from the headmistress and I think and feel that the headmistress reciprocated her af

Self Importance - Anjana Chandran

Hey Guys!!! You might be wondering, why I am writing about some of the people specifically. There are three reasons. I am dissecting my life when it started to matter and that begins with - People. To get clarity for me the details which brought change in me. If ever these friends of mine read this blog, they would know that they were special at least to one person-Me. They made a difference for me. Today I am speaking about Anjana Chandran. We both had a special connection, before I was enrolled in this school in Idukki at the age of 13, we studied in the same school, same bench in Kochi the year before. Its really incredible the circle of life. She was really a studious child, an only daughter for her parents and she was the focal point of her parents. If ever I think of pampered children, I will think of Anjana, please note, its pampered, not spoiled. She is not over talkative. She doesn't joke often, but I think I have heard her crack one or two jokes in the four

Don't Underestimate The Power of Tears - Annie George

Hey Guys!!! Annie was another classmate of SHEMHS, Moolamattom. She usually sits in the very next bench before mine in class. She was also a boarder, like me. But the worst part was, it was her first time to be separated from family. Annie had everything in life, she had parents, siblings, money, intelligence and focus. Despite having all these, she felt sad and alone. Since I had a policy of non attachment to anyone or anything, I tried to keep a distance, but when we see someone in tears for wanting to go home, I could relate to it easily and I had no choice but to just point that she is not alone in that and I too am there facing the same problem.  I have never ever seen, so much heart break like I saw with her and believe it, she had it for the whole 3 years she stayed in the boarding. Annie was one heck of a person. She was very strong and motivated when it came to studies and she believed in prayers, saints and God and she used to kiss all the statues and pictures of sa

Predictability of Life!!!!

Hey Guys!!!! Sorry, I was not able to write yesterday because my uncle passed away. Though I am writing about the people who really had a profound impact upon my life, I will have to deviate here for my uncle. It was a sad moment yesterday, because this uncle, Mr. Joseph changed my destiny. Can you believe it?? Which I could have done without. But it happened and here I am attending the funeral of him. We all know that there are lots of milestones and cornerstones on a road, we take it for granted when we are sure of the way, but when we ae new to the place we really look forward to have it. So when each new milestone is in front of us, we feel happy because we have reached it. But we don't give a thought when its passed. Only when I was sitting in the church, I was thinking of uncle and I realised, he really was a destiny changer for many people. And they all blame him for intruding in their lives. I know my uncle personally, he always think what is good for others and he act

The Best Day is Today - Leelamma

Hey Guys!!!! I can genuinely say I am a social worker, but if you had asked me 35 years back that I will become one, I would half laughed it off because it was preposterous. The way of living I had then was, one of high standards. My first memory when it opened after my birth was, I was surrounded by people who had everything and that too in excess. So I was thinking that is what the world is, everybody had everything. I remember, when I was small, I never used “please” or asked whether my parents had money to buy me things? I just said (literally ordered), I want such and such things and they buy it for me. So when I came to this quaint school in Moolamattom, I had two classmates, Leelamma and Lailamma, who helped in the kitchen and studied with us. They were given the best education free of cost. My life, if you would like to know, was that of leisure, no work and all dreams. Whenever I think about my school life, my parents gave me the best situation one could ever get in a li

Respect Personal Space - Sini C Joseph

Hey Guys!!!! You might know by now, that I have been shuttling from boarding to boarding. I was adept in all the nuances of boarding life. Actually I was bit jaded in the perspective of life, parents, children,   teachers, the atmosphere of school, boarding or whatever. You might wonder what I am talking about. You know boarders are kids where they are away from home, given the best of facilities, food, accommodation and no house work except eat, sleep, study, pray and go to school. The only drawback, they are deprived of the warmth, love and care of their parents.   As a seasoned boarder, I surely knew what to expect. And I think my heart was hardened by the battering I received until then. So I was prepared to face all the hurts dished out to me fro this new school. But I was proved wrong. What was different in this school which was not found in others? For sure it was not any grand gestures.   I don’t know whether you guys would believe it, most of the students in

Plough Through Life

Hey Guys!!!! I don’t know when a change happens whether   it happens physically too. To be frank, the first time I wore glasses or you can say I needed glasses to see clearly happened when I was 13. I literally couldn’t see what the teacher was writing on the board. And I was wondering, why nobody was complaining about the seeing part. Now when I think about it, that is what we do in our everyday   lives, when we have a problem, we think for all the others too, that it’s a problem for them too, but in fact its not true. Each has his or her own problem created by oneself. Anyway, I bought a new pair of glasses during my annual medical check up and Lo Behold!!! I could see, in fact too clearly if you wanted to know what I felt, “My breath caught in my lungs” That was the first time I got to experience the beauty of the place. I don’t know about you but when I have a problem, my whole focus was on it and that made me miserable day and night. Do you know what my problem was

Compromise? Not a Chance

Hey Guys!!!! Yesterday I watched a movie and in that, the groom’s father gives a toast to the newlyweds. The gist of the message was “Be Happy, Be in Love and always be ready to compromise only then married   life will be successful.” For me the first thought was “Oh not again!!!!!.” You know I learn my lessons from nature. There are two places which is my favourite – the sea and the forest. So I got to wonder why do I like those places, now I know why, they make compromises for the other. There is no division of territory, if there is no division, then there will be harmony. That is what that old man whom we say as the father of the   groom meant, when you get married, your partner is an extension of you. You shouldn’t be able to decide where you end and your partner begins. I know it’s a tall order to think as such but that is the only way to co exist or else you sure are doomed guys because you wouldn’t know when you got exited.   You don’t differentiate your own body par

How Do You Love You?

Hey Guys!!! How do you love you? Its actually simple, but as a human being we complicate it. How???? By not acknowledging. First and foremost thing, 1. Enjoy the gifts we have been bestowed with - you can see, hear, taste, feel, walk, run, sleep, eat anything you like, have a roof over your head, dresses to wear, parents who brought you up, (lucky they didn't leave you on the streets), a good normal brain and there are loads of things you have been gifted with and you live daily with all these and much more. Be happy about it and thank the super power - God who gave it and cherish it with all your heart.(Tomorrow we might not know whether we will have these). Live consciously. 2. This is the most important factor which you should read carefully, you have all the faculties and how do you use it? Is it only for your own good or do you extend it to help others too? I will give an example, when we have to pick a very heavy object, we use two hands in

Love is Filling

Hey Guys!!!! You know, I am happy writing this blog, not because anybody reads it, its because I get to hear my own thoughts, its actually a sounding board where I like to see who I am, how I answer my questions, how I feel about my situation, etc..etc... So yesterday, I told I will explain what is meant by  Love is Filling. This I am saying because I want you to be consciously living your life. As I told you yesterday, I am a romantic at heart, it has a connection to what I say. When I told Love is Filling. It is not a joke. Its a fact. There is a void or emptiness within every human being when we are born. The first cry of the baby is the signal that we are born with this void or the emptiness. A void which we cannot see or hear or taste  or perceive. So unknowingly we try to fill this void through the holes of our physical body which includes the five senses too. For example, take my case, I love to watch happily ever after movies, read happily ending books that consists

Definition of Love

Hey Guys!!! I know you might be thinking I am crazy, but let me ask a question to whoever reads this blog, "What is the definition of love?"  I know you are rolling your eyes, believe it, I am also doing the same. I am a fan of anything romantic, romantic books, movies, situations and happily ever after, etc...etc... Yesterday I was watching a movie, really a beautiful movie of Julie Andrews - "One Special Night". Both the hero and the heroine are seniors. Their acting sup..erb. We can feel their attraction, but ultimately in the end for a happily ever after movie, they kiss till eternity - that is what I call the seal of Love. When my younger son was 5 yrs old, he was watching an english movie, my husband was there at that time in front of the television, (In India, in the remote villages, they don't do kissings privately, so you can imagine how they will react when a public display presents itself. So keep this situation in mind and read the