Bible - Man's Users Manual - Spirituality

Hey Guys

As I always say, to start at the beginning is more easier to understand than barging in between. This is the continuation of the previous posts, so if you want to understand the head and tail of what I am saying please do read the previous posts heading
Bible - Man's Users Manual
I was actually planning to do this as a book, but I thought that if there are any criticisms and ideas of yours, I can incorporate in these posts and in the end make it as a book because you guys are also part of the universe that God has created and you are an integral part for my growth and the growth of the Universe, so its essential to accept and respect you as you are.

"Blessed are the children, whose parents guide them to God." 
As children, we are not aware of the spiritual aspect of our existence. But every parent has a duty to guide their children to the Creator.

Jesus' Parents also did the same, whatever religion they followed, they made sure Jesus also followed them. Even though He is the Son of God, he had to follow what His parents taught Him, no matter whether He liked it or not, whether it is right or wrong. He had to follow the rules and regulations of the society. That is how we should be too. No matter what, when young, it is the duty of all children including you and me, to obey our parents. That is what God wants us to do, just follow our parents blindly. 

You might be wondering then what happens to the children, whose parents are always in the wrong side of law, who is/are not a good role model?
The answer is, the children who is born to them will become a role model for them. Which means, God will take care of each and every child, whether they are parents or grandparents or great grand parents because they all are the Children of God and they are supposed to guide each other. 
Now you know, you do not need to be unnecessarily tensed by the circumstances or the people (good and bad) we are surrounded with. They are there for our good. We are here for a purpose, to guide ourselves to God and to guide others towards Him. 
But one thing is very important, it is when we are initiated spiritually, the trigger is activated and we get connected to God. That means, we know that God is our creator and He is our provider. You and me become one with God. If you are one with God, then what about the people around you? They too are one with God and that makes you and me as One Family. Then what is the point of anger and hatred.
So whenever you are in need, in trouble, you are lonely, you are angry, look to God, He knows how to guide you through the right path and he can do it so perfectly that even the best of people cannot do it so.
That is why, I told you guys, in the beginning, "Blessed are those children, who are initiated spiritually in a very young age." 
Guys, don't take it any wrong sense, spirituality is a necessity and also a luxury for the benefit of our Higher Self.

See you.


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