How to Save Trees
Recycle in a smart way. Some good ways to do this are:
1. Throw paper and cardboard in a bag separately from cans, glass and plastics.
Look for tips on recycling so you know that your efforts will be rewarded with recycled material.
Cut down on and share magazines, return unwanted catalogs to the sender.
2. Don't make exceptions at restaurants. If a waiter/waitress brings you napkins, just say no nicely.
3. Before printing a picture or document, ask yourself, "Do I really need to print this out?" If you're writing a paper for school, most teachers will accept neat handwritten work.
4. Try to use both sides of your papers. Use a printer that prints on both sides automatically Make a draft box(if you are in your office). Put in this box all the papers that have been printed on one side and use them as draft papers.
5. Make sure any paper you buy (toilet rolls, tissue papers, writing paper) comes from recycled sources.
6. Reuse paper bags or compost receipts and torn-up bank statements.
7. Reuse envelopes and make your own cards.
8. Ask your boss to buy recycled paper for your workplace.
9. Try to use non "glossy" newspapers, as they are difficult to recycle due to their topped coat of clay.
10. Stop cutting trees. Remember to plant trees. Trees help the Earth and people. People should think before cutting down trees, "When I cut down trees, I am actually affecting the life of people on Earth."
11. Re-use wrapping paper. Wrapping paper is hard to recycle.
12. Write letters to government officials, trying to persuade them to go as paperless as they can.
13. Plant a small tree. Small trees make beautiful gifts.
14. Use scrap paper whenever you can. When writing down phone messages, instead of writing them on a new sheet, pull out a piece of scrap paper from the recycling.
15. Let your hands air dry after you wash them in a public bathroom.
16. Carry a handkerchief to blow your nose.
17. Use cloth diapers. One of the ingredients in disposable diapers is wood pulp. As long ago as 1981 an estimated 800 million pounds of paper was used to make diapers for one year. That number is substantially higher today. That's too many dead trees.
18. We just need to remember and practice the "3 Rs:"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
When we reduce the amount of products we use and buy, fewer trees are cut down to make new products. If we take care of the things that we already have, and repair them when they are broken, we don’t need to buy more.
It’s also good to think about product’s packaging. Many products use too much packaging: more than necessary. Some boxes that products come in are made from wood that comes from at-risk forest areas. You can make a difference by reducing the amount of packaged products that you buy.
When we reduce the amount of energy we consume in our homes by switching off electrical appliances that we aren’t using (such as, lights, TV, radio, computer), or when we walk or bike instead of taking the car, we use less fossil fuels.Using fossil fuels creates air pollution, which can result in acid rain. If we reduce the amount of fossil fuels that we use, we can help save some forests from being damaged by acid rain.
Every time we reuse an item (use it more than once), fewer replacement items are needed. This helps to preserve important natural resources (like forests). It also reduces waste because fewer items are thrown away (or recycled).
We save trees from being cut down every time we borrow, share or donate books, every time we reuse scrap paper, and every time we use refillable lunch containers. Want another way to save trees? Have a stuff swap! If you have any clothes, books or toys that you don’t want, ask your parents if you can trade with your friends. If there’s anything left over, you can donate it to a charity for someone else to use!
When we recycle products like paper, (after we can no longer use and reuse them) we prevent new trees from being cut down. About 1/3 of the wood from trees that are cut down is used to make paper and paper board. That’s about 300 000 hectares of land each year. If we can reduce, reuse and recycle, we can make that amount much smaller! By recycling and buying products with recycled material whenever we can, we’re protecting our forests.
So what did you decide, save tree or save Earth or save yourself? Anyway, whatever you decide, the outcome is the same. So decide at least one.
See you tomorrow.
Until then, take care. Bye
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