
The Roundabout

One of my friends lost her family due to certain circumstances which could be termed, thrown out of home. They burnt her certificates and no money to survive. She became literally alone in the streets. I do not know, how she survived, but after several years, I met her and she was a changed person. I was expecting a depressed person, but to the contrary. She was at peace with herself, no hatred or no hurt. When I asked, how she became such a person? She replied to my utter surprise. “I came to this world with nothing but my body and I return with nothing, not even my body. My family helped me understand it and I would be thankful to them. Why should I cry for something, which I don’t own. Why should I run in amassing money? Why should I crave for my own home? God provides me, what I need. He knows me better than I know myself. If I need a home, He will give me. If I need a dress, he would cloth me. If I feel hungry, the food would reach me. The only thing I need to do is, keep my...

Doubt Filled Life

I know its very difficult to believe in an unseen God. But there are some things which is unbelievable, and the first thing is Life. Can you answer your presence here? Or the first man on Earth? Its difficult, but still we live. New life is born, etc..etc... It is the same situation with God too. If you can believe the unbelievable, then just believe in God, who can answer all your questions in a jiffy. Do you know, I am a Number 1 doubt full person. Questions here questions there. And I hadn't any answer. But I blindly believed in God. Just like a dog blindly believing in its master. It was a lifetime belief. I finished school, college, but no answer came my way and I was always made fool by others because, religion can make us dumb, one way or another. I didn't mind because God is above religion. But that doesn't mean that religion is bad. No, its a means to help us reach our goal. Just remember, religion is made for us and its not the other way. O.K back to...

Have Faith and Forgive

So now you know, prayer can help you clear your bad destiny, with just one single condition, by forgiving those who hurt us. If we are able to forgive, then you are not only clearing your bad destiny, but also we can request not to be put into a situation, where we have a chance to make a mistake and to save us from evil thoughts, people and actions. These two things are the creators of bad destiny. Its cool right? Everything would get easier, if we are able to forgive and if we have full faith in God. Now you might want to know, from where did God come into the scene. I'll explain it to you tomorrow. Until then, take care, Bye. Meena

Superbomblastic Glitch

Yesterday, I gave you hope, but Today, I would have to say something discouraging, not purposely, its out of necessity. Yesterday, I told about a suoerbomblastic prayer, that could clear your bad destiny. It is true, but there is a glitch in it. In the prayer, we say, "Forgive us our sins" It is a promising part but it doesn't stop there, it continues, " as we forgive those who sin against us." Yes, its not very easy to follow. Forgiving those who hurt us? Never. We have 1001 reason for keeping grudge against our enemies. That God knows and He just took hold of that clause, to put us in this soup. Anyway, I would say, grudge or no grudge, just don't let this opportunity pass by, to clear your destiny. Its an opportunity to have a happily ever after life. So guys, I take leave. See you tomorrow. Until then take care, Bye. Meena

A Super Bomblastic Prayer

I know its weird but there is another fact which Jesus brought us. It is nothing big. You might have heard about it, The Lord's prayer. You know, the Christians say this prayer a lot - Our Father in Heaven. In that prayer, Jesus is teaching us to ask forgiveness from God for our sins. What does that mean? It means, if we genuinely ask God, our bad destiny could be cleared. Yyyyyiiiiiiiippppppeeeeeeeee. Its simply bomblastic. But we should find the right way. Best of luck guys. See you tomorrow. Until then, take care, Bye. Meena

Forgive Our Sins

I have always wondered when I read the Bible, why Jesus always healed the sick by saying, your sins are forgiven. But as years passed by, I came to know, that He was doing them a favor. Two things happen, when sins are forgiven. 1. We are cleared of our bad destiny. 2. We are cleared of its consequences. So next time pray for the forgiveness of our sins, instead of asking a house or some money. I am in that path Best of luck. See you tomorrow. Meena

Bad Destiny

Yesterday, it was a sad moment for many families, when the bomb blasted in a church. What end did the two suicide bombers meet, we do not know. But one thing we sure know. This act has brought doom to their destiny. They sure are going to pay for their deed. They would be born again. That is for sure. But what would be their next life? Believe it, they are accountable for their actions. Just imagine, how much of their life they will have to repay for this blood shed. But the sad part is, these two bombers would not be aware of this past action in their new life and without being aware of this. They suffer from childhood and that is when we blame God for our bad destiny. So guys, think twice before you act because you are the creators of your own destiny and we would be born again and again until we clear all our past. Its not easy and its not a happy situation. That is why the saints, the ascetics forego their worldly pleasures. So that they clear the destiny within this life itsel...