My First Love Letter – Part 2

          So where did I leave? yes here, I really wanted to say that, I reached here safely by night (thank God he is OK). How is your studies? Well, I replied to myself, Oh, OK, I always think of you. Do not skip your study time. You should not idly waste your time. It is very important that you should study nicely and score high marks. Now I had an eerie feeling, that this letter is not a love letter, its just like what my mother and father sends me every month and a lot more and there was only one love in that letter, in the end part, lovingly Thomas.
          God I was doomed. That heart feeling might have happened to my lungs, I didn’t reply. He wrote again and in that he asked why didn’t I reply, that was a change because my parents don’t ask me to reply, I write when I need something. But here he specifically wrote asking me to reply. What should I write for a person who asks me to study and don’t waste my study time and all that? So I wrote, Dear Thomas, (that’s decent, right?) How are you? (that’s general) I hope you are fine (answer put in his mouth for him) I’m fine here (reply part). I’m sorry, I couldn’t reply to your letter as I felt it was my dad’s letter, if you really are feeling very brotherly, just skip the letter part, OK? I can’t stand advices. Then I filled with day to day happenings, jokes and the like as I had to fill my letter as he did. And I at the end wrote. This is how a letter should be, but I did end it far more than you expect. I concluded hoping you won’t reply, sincerely Meena.
          Within a week another letter arrived, for me I didn’t have the courage to open it because it was simply waste of my time. If he was thinking of taking out the love ghost out of me he did succeed, but anyway, my curiosity overtook me and I opened and to my surprise he had three sheets of paper full of information. This time he did write a paragraph of general things and 2 ½ pages advice. I could have strangled myself. But fate had other things in store.       I didn’t reply and he wrote thrice but I got only one letter and in that he asked why I didn’t reply to the other two. Then I knew I was being monitored by the hostel warden and she has the other two letters. Since these letters weren’t love letters, I went to her and asked, “Sister have you accidentally misplaced my letters?” No Meena, I have not misplaced any of your letters, I have withheld your letters purposely to show your parents and I have asked them to come immediately and meet me. “Holy Ghost”, where am I in wonderland or blunder land, “But sister, for what?” That, you will know when your parents arrive, I’ll say what I have to them. God, I felt so bad, I didn’t know, what to say, I just left her room and went straight to bed with the sinking feeling in my stomach. After two days, my parents arrived, my mom’s face was a sight to behold. Well, seeing my dad was a relief. Do you know what he said, “I was expecting this call during the first semester of college but anyway its not too late.” The poker faced sister arrived with the two letters in hand. She gave it to my dad and mom one each. Thank God, they each had one to read or else just imagine the humiliation of reading my love letter loudly and what a love letter. My mother started her firing, she was asking, who is he to write to my daughter, What does he think of himself to advice my daughter, well then I understood its the same modus operandi letter.  I felt like smiling genuinely. My dad didn’t speak a word, waited till my mom stopped and then he asked sister, “Sister, there is nothing in this letter, what’s wrong with it?” Sister got embarrassed, she said, “Meena received a love letter.” Oh I went sky high. I really asked her loudly, “Really? From whom?” My dad rolled his eyes.
           I’ll complete it tomorrow.
                    Just stay happy until tomorrow. Bye for now.


  1. But at the end you too wrote a letter to Thomas

    I can't.....
    Live Without you


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