Rolling Stone

          When in school I had to write an essay about Rolling Stone Catches No Moss topic a lot. At that time, I had nothing to write about or couldn’t understand why these teachers get so attached to this subject. But years passed and I went through to  become a teacher, a social worker, an administrator, a housewife, a mother and above all a very good friend to many and with lots of worldly knowledge and bookish knowledge and communicative knowledge. But then too I felt that people usually depicted nomads as the rolling stones. But for me I had an experience yesterday, which in life everyone might have encountered but not aware of it. Usually in families, the mother, the lady with the lamp, the light of the house, does all the work unconditionally. I was not aware of her sacrifices she goes through until I got that post. It was an insurmountable mountain which I trek every day and roll down from it a lot. So to my surprise experience.
          My mom presented me with two sets of dresses, no special occasion, just like that. She does it when her heart feels like it. She was usually like that, very spontaneous, at that time when she gave me a present, just a smile and thankyou and sometimes a hug too was the spontaneous response from me, but the hardwork, the love, the thought my mother put on it was lost until I occupied the same position and started giving it to my loved ones. Well, I was much better than my kids, I feel, they can’t hug me might be they are too embarrassed because they are boys. But the genuineness of their thankfulness, the happiness that generate which would naturally reflect in the eyes were missing. Then I knew, what I had denied my mother.  So when she called me and told that she was not satisfied with her gift, I was really surprised that still she continues in her commitment in loving her kids irrespective of the outcome or the cold response and this thought, this attitude is what has struck me as a unique feature of a mother. In the bible too, Jesus says that “Your mother may forget you, but I’ll not forget you”. This May part is what got nicked into my personality. She is indeed a strong person, the unconditionality is what we should cherish, appreciate and follow. Here is where the rolling stone comes into play.
          Actually for me there are two philosophies of rolling stones, i.e. two ideas, which I acquired from real life experience, small small experiences, which get nicked into me and just got sculpted there. All these nicks naturally opens the inner heart, where God would like to show a life in a different perspective. To tell you frankly, I haven’t had any near death experiences and I don’t wish to have it too. I don’t think I could cope with it that easily. In truth I’m scared. So in order to avoid it I ensure to feel the pulse of the moment and act accordingly.
          So back to the rolling stone, I feel the rock (stone) is my ego, my personality, my self and the moss  is about the vices or bad things or habits or attitudes which I was born with or which I had formed in the long run of life. Now when the rock starts rolling and that rolling part is life, we get our good and bad experiences, through actions and interactions, and knowledge too. Some rocks gets stuck in ridges or roots of trees or gets blocked with boulders, but some rocks do come down, these rocks are the one who accepts the rolling and takes the experiences in his stride and improves himself which ultimately comes to a stand still, the ultimate goal, and the end part of rolling rock is gifted to become a smooth surfaced pebble or a stone – A perfect Human Being, which we cherish it with care and exhibit with pride and consign it a very important place. With all the virtues of a perfect person, where nothing can hinder his progress to unite his Self to the Supreme God.
          Now my mother has an important role in moulding me. If God hadn’t shown her virtues, I’d have lost her forever. But since My God opened up the vista of wisdom, I feel I should feel happy and to share it with you, so that you should not miss the opportunity to really see the love of your loved ones, their small small act of kindness, which we miss in our daily grind of routine. And I thank my life director to have given a very good mother to love, just for the sake of loving. Isn’t it Special?
          So with heartfelt gratitude. See you tomorrow.



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