Happy Diwali

    Hey guys!!! Happy Diwali!!! Its simply awesome to know that I am still in the middle of fire crackers and sweets. The whole place is filled with gaiety and glitter. The expression on the faces of both young and old is simply touching. All have a small smile lingering when they see the sparkler light or the rockets flying over rooftops, but the nostalgia of it all stays for the days that follow. I have had several Diwalis in my life. And I always think, why waste money on burning crackers, when there are hoards of people out there in the street who are looking at the same rockets but not enjoying the spectacle as their stomachs are crackling more louder than any crackers. The tears that flow when hunger calls is heart rending than any other tears.
          It was during one of my Diwali celebration that I met Mayur, a six year old rag picker, with his two street friends Radha and Sohail both near and above his age, all washed and scrubbed clean. They were going around houses collecting food from wherever they could get. The area where I stayed had the people more on street than in the house. And the people were very God fearing and human; even the stray dogs there had more food than they could survive.
 So coming back to Mayur, the trio got a lot of food to keep them alive for more than a week and they were happily munching their delicacies, when accident struck the group, one of the cracker misfired and directly burst on Mayur. Within no time it was a place of confusion and chaos. The place came to a standstill. It was not a personal issue, or a community issue, or a cultural issue or a colony issue, but of a call of one human to another, a connection of hearts. The men folks immediately grabbed the child to the hospital, but the kid didn’t survive. The money spent for ones own entertainment for both eyes and ears has really broken the borders and crossed into other’s lives. Was it worth it?
          Misfiring cannot be blamed by anybody, but why wait to misfire when we have it in us the choice to use our money for more worthier and wiser cause than burn it off into thin air. Remember that there are lot of Mayurs and Radhas and Sohails who are struggling for a morsel. The money you spend for fire crackers not only burns your pockets or holes the Ozone layer, it endangers life not only yours but others too. The choice is yours. Its all in your hand. Decide wisely.
Happy Diwali for Future.
Take care and bye


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