Tears - The flood gate of the heart is the most heartrending
master piece of God.
Tears – The undoing of oneself as well as others
Tears – The Best expression of sadness as well as happiness.
When we win, we cry.
When we lose we cry
When born, we cry
When we die, others cry
Wow!!!! That’s a lot of emotion in one Expression. But Why Tears?
??????? G aaaa wwwwddd its so messy!!! Handkerchiefs, nose blowing, bleary
eyed, hiccups.......
Its because we are earthlings, we live like human beings. Hii Hi
Hi!!!! Sorry, don’t misunderstand, as per scientists, we are the much more
advanced stage of apes, a cloistered existence.
We are happy, when we get something and sad, when we lose. And in a
day, how much losing and winning, hurts and comforts, pleasure and pressure
takes place, God only knows. Is it worth it to go through all these on a daily
basis? Don’t you think, that we really are in a mixer being churned and churned
with all these experiences, life long? Come on guys, we’ll go on a journey.
Look at the nature around, (Oh! Not like that!!) Look as if you are
looking at a master piece of an artist, for example “Mona Lisa of Da Vinci”
Now look at nature, what’s the
speciality? I’ll simplify it for you. “The Sun rises and sets and when the sun
is not there the moon comes in and goes off and stars of different kinds are
dusted here and there at night, that is celestial ritual and earthly ritual is
days come and days go, seasons come and seasons go, months come and months go,
life comes and life goes.” Its all a continuous process, there is no stopping
of anything. Am I right?
Now turn to you, look deeply at you. “Are you really happy, in the
sense that no sadness or happiness touches your heart? “Sorry, I know that
question is insane, but that is the reason, we are all living for - to be
always happy. Even though you have loads of money, there is something missing,
when you find the right person to love, there is something missing, you have
found the right house with all the specifications you wished for fulfilled,
there is something flawed, Isn’t it? Is there a thing called eternal happiness
or happily ever after?
Sure, there is and that is within your grasp. Do you want to achieve
it? Well, I’m also with you, we’ll start the journey together.
I want you to try an experiment, “Write your name on a small stone and
throw it very far into an open space. (Try not to throw it on anyone’s head, or
else you could end up in eternal prison) Now find it back.” Just wait, I haven’t
found mine, I’m still searching, hoping to find.” That is whom we are,
searching for the nonexistent person. You might be famous or rich or talented,
but in the inside you are void – Something missing.
Trying to fill up with things that we feel makes us happy. But to no
avail. You will never be happy. For that you will have to fill that void, not
by tears or happiness, but by love, by caring, sharing, giving, understanding,
then you will come to know, that beyond these wordly pleasures and pleasures, the
sun and the moon, the days and months, there is a place where time stands
still, where sun never sets and death doesn’t touch , where, all are happy
inside out. You might be wanting to know, where that place is, Its your heart
filled with love. Only then you would be the real you – then the thrown stone
would be found.
“Real Love doesn’t expect anything in Return. (There is no Give and
Real Love Has no half measure, only full measures,(Gives completely.)
Real Love is Unselfish (Doesn’t think of ones well being)
Real Love has no Goals (Lives in the present)”
I know, its unacceptable. But if you have to break the barrier of
emotions and come out of the mixing machine, then live the moment with love and
not with tears. “Can I pass you a secret, if you are going to live lovingly,
then I guarantee, you would look perennially young and healthy. That is a naked
fact”. Why don’t you try it?
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