Mind - The Eden's Devil
“Now we are going to
the next level - The Mind.”
“You mean to say,
the mind who creates obstacles at every turn of life?”
“Exactly Mark, the
very same serpent in the garden of Eden, which helped deviate the first parents
from reaching God.”
“God, I feel like
shooting my mind, if ever it dares to come in any form.” All smiled.
“It’s the same you
Mathew, you are the physical creation of your mind.”
“That is true,
anyway, I’m glad now I know, how evil is my own mind. Its in itself a handful.”
“Exactly, you should
never forget that. There is no evil outside your soul. No man can do evil
unless your mind creates it for you. So the devil is in you, that is the
anomality of our being. That is the imperfection of our creation.”
“Oh!!! No wonder, I
always used to think, how come the snake came to the garden of Eden. Now I
understand, it’s the symbolism of our mind creating the imperfection of nature.
Now what Rafael?”
“Don’t think you
could run away from your own mind.” All nodded. “Until now, you have been
following what your mind dictated to you through your senses. You were its
slave. Now, change places. You the master and mind your slave. If you can bring
it under your control, then you are the master of the Universe, the goal could
be reached easily.”
“Really, that would
be one hell of a task.” All nodded.
“Yes it is, Mathew.
It’s a task we have to undertake, if you have to reach your goal. But if you
could overcome your mind and enslave it, then you would be a force to reckon.”
“I can understand
that. Thinking the work ahead is bringing goosebumps Rafael.”
“Hmmm, Monica, fear
is another obstacle created by mind.”
“Oh God, what is it
Rafael. I really cannot understand my own mind.” All nodded.
“Yes Monica, that is
the complexity the mind puts before us. Whenever we decide to take the right
path, he would put a more bigger mountain in our way, but we should know that,
this is no mountain but a creation of our mind and be peaceful. It’d naturally
move off.”
“You mean to
say that it would just go off into thin air just like that?”
“Yes Rebecca, just
like that.”
“Do you remember
when Jesus was traveling with His disciples in a boat?”
“Nature was against
them trying to topple the boat?”
“The very same. Can
you explain the different emotions that went through the disciples?”
“Fear, uncertainity,
confusion. But I think the most pronounced one was of fear.” All nodded.
“Thank you Mathew,
you’re right, fear. If the fear had stayed for long, naturally what would be
the consequence?”
“The boat would have
toppled, isn’t it Rafael?”
“Naturally Mark and
immediately our mind would pass the information, look what you feared has
happened.” All nodded.
“But luckily Jesus
commanded the sea to calm down.”
“Exactly Rebecca,
that is what we are being taught here, when fear raises its head in you, just
command it to calm because in the Bible or any scripture you’d take, has spoken,
the Supreme Power or God has given Man control over all that is seen and unseen
because we are the children of God united through God soul." All nodded.
" So fear, an emotion, very much a mountainous obstacle created by our
own mind, is
not to be allowed in any way inside you. Just think like this, you are a
spiritual creature but when fear overtakes you, you become lowly beings. "
All nodded. "Its like mind giving a misinformation and we are believing
and accepting with full and complete faith and following accordingly.”
“Just like Eve was
given the wrong idea by the serpent in the garden of Eden and she followed it.
Right Rafael?”
"Exactly Monica
the Mind has the power in you to make things happen and emotions has a
very big factor in toppling the direction of your life." All nodded.
"Fear is one emotion that brings out negative energy creating bad feelings
in us and around us. Fear brings out the opposite of Harmony. It crushes Love.
It takes the very Innocence of life. It attracts all that is bad to us.
And that makes us the most imperfect being in this universe. It would
make people flee from us. We are not here to make people flee but, attract to
us through our existence as spiritual creatures and as the child of God connected
by God soul. So know your mind before starting the journey towards God."
All nodded
“We’ll continue tomorrow.” All nodded
...to be contd....(46)....
Until then... Take care.....Bye
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