How Much are You Planning to Spend On You?

We all do not have the same financial status. A pauper has one and the prince has another. But we all sure have one. The only advice is, do not get yourself in debt by overspending.

Now if you have only Rs. 1000/- to spend for a day, be frank to yourself, and spend within that price range.

And this range makes a lot of difference in many ways

1. The spaciousness of the room

2. The neatness of the room

3. The thickness of the bed

4. The location of the place

5. The dealing of the staff, etc....etc....

And we put all the services of all category hotels in a scale of 1 to 10. The lower the budget, the scale would be lower.

I work in a place where the category of the hotel is in the scale of 6 and the guests there cannot tolerate or even step into a 3 scale hotel, even if they purposefully decide to lower the budget. And then its a lot more replanning, rescheduling, changing & money loss for the guest and humiliation for the travel agent. So its better to know the budget and plan accordingly.

But there is one thing, which is a very big factor with respect to budget - the place.

Which we will talk about the next day.

See you guys



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