Place Do Matter

When you decide to travel, the place do matter with respect to the budget.

Now if you ask a regular traveller, which is the most expensive place to tour?

Some would respond as Paris and some would say, its London. That doesn't matter unless you are aware that these places are more expensive than other places like India or Sri Lanka or wherever. So the first thing to note is the standard of living in each place. I am an Indian and if I feel, that I can manage in London or Paris, with the money I earn in India, then I would be awakened with a big shock when I apply for a visa.

So make sure, you know the living standards of each place before you plan the trip. I remember one guest who tipped Rs. 10/- to the person who carried four big suitcases of his. Last day in Kerala, I saw a beggar who threw back Rs. 5/- and cursing the person who donated it. Imagine the nerve of the beggar. Its not the nerve, its the standard of living they are used to. So when you plan, even if it is to the last detail of tipping too, it matters.

If you are well aware of the situation you are going to, the expenditure you can afford to, then you could plan likewise with less hassles and the treatment you would get would be royal from start till the very end.

See you soon.



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