Techniques To Become A Good Teacher - Part 1

This  is a vast subject, with lots of ideas and ideals.  Everybody will have their own opinion on who is a good teacher, because it is impossible to please everybody at the same time. It is very difficult to say what a good teacher is. But as an experienced teacher, I think that the qualities that a teacher should maintain are the abilities to relate to their students on their own level, make learning fun and easy to understand, be nice, so students will listen, make the kids look forward to entering the classroom, and above all.... maintain control.
Then we also can say, that a good teacher is someone who can learn from his students, who can learn with them, one who has no bias, open eyes to see and explore life and learning itself. He also must be honest in his relationships with students, and proud enough about his own value to work, from there, on helping his students to build their own self esteem.
Now I would like to ask you all a question? Do you have a philosophy as a teacher?
Well I also didn’t have one until I started preparing for this topic. I got an apt philosophy of a good teacher, “GIVE ME A FISH AND I EAT FOR A DAY, TEACH ME TO FISH AND I EAT FOR A LIFE TIME”. Its true isn’t it? A teacher should be able to help the students in all respects. Mould them for life. He should make his students able to live a better life. He should teach students to take decisions in all the conditions, with a moral character and he should be a role model for building a good society.
So in a nut shell, we can say A good teacher represents lot of qualities like :
          He has to be interested in his own subjects and at the same time open-minded for others and other topics.
          He has to be strict, self-confident and show authority, but at the same time he has to be the pupils' "helper" and quite often even something like their friend who they can talk to if problems occur.
          He has to find a balance between him representing an authority or a friend.
          He should like to work with children.
          He should enjoy teaching.
          He has to arrive in time to start a lesson and end a lesson in time because of good organization and planning.
          He has to use different methods to liven up his lessons and therefore keep his pupils' attention.
          He has to gain the pupils' interest in his subject.
          He has to convey information and keep the pupils' attention.
          He has to be patient.
A good teacher still remains a human being like you and me so that it is obvious that the qualities listed above are useful to keep in mind to be or become a good teacher, but they are only few of the qualities teachers need to "survive" in their everyday life.

Bye take care and see you tomorrow.


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