Techniques To Become A Good Teacher - Part 2

              Now for the best part, what is the technique to reach the said goal? Well I have just a story to tell you which really touched my heart and it would do the same for you too. And I want you to remember it when you are not happy as a person.
               One evening a Swamiji of Sri Ramakrishna Mutt was addressing the participants on the concept of work culture. One of the participants asked   the following question to the Swamiji: "I am the headmaster of a very reputed school. I joined this school 25 years ago as an ordinary teacher and over the last 25 years I have gone through every experience in the school and I am now the senior teacher as well as the headmaster with all perks and independence.
During the initial part of my career, the job was very challenging and   interesting. Every day was exciting and I looked forward to each day  with   lot of interest. However, all those exciting days are gone since I do  not   find my job any more interesting because there is nothing new in my job.  As   I have seen and handled every conceivable situation there is. No more   challenges in my work. I am now feeling bored because I am doing a  routine job.
However, Swamiji, I am living in the same house for over forty years, I  am   the son for the same parents for over forty five years, I am the father  for   the same children for the past eighteen years and the husband for the same  lady for the past twenty years. In these personal roles I do not feel bored and the passage of time has  not taken away the zeal from me. Please tell me why I am bored of the  routine in the school and not in the house?"
This was a very interesting question and all were very anxious and   curious to know what the Swamiji had to say !! The response from him was very interesting and convincing. He asked the   headmaster the question:
"Please tell me for whom does your Mother cook ?"
The headmaster replied that obviously the mother cooks for others.
Then the Swamiji said that the mother "Serves" others and because of  this   service mindedness, she is not feeling tired or bored.
But in an office,  we   "Work" and not "Serve". Anything we consider, as service will not make  us feel bored. That is difference between Serving and Working.
He asked the executive to consider his work as service and not merely a   work !!
 “You should believe that you are here for a purpose”.  Attitude Matters!!!
If you think you are working for the organization you will get frustrated. If you feel you are doing a service and getting some service charges  you  will feel happy. And fundamentally a teacher should care about humanity in general.
So what do you think of the story? Did you like it? So before concluding I would like to say, one more thing,
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece" Once we love, enjoy and appreciate the individuality of each and every child in our classroom - everything else falls into place. This is a challenge for the best of us!!!!
And the best technique to become a good teacher -  “Do not work , “Serve”.

Bye take care and see you tomorrow.


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