
How To Prevent Diseases In Infants

            When I was a new mother, I was really excited to be the perfect mother. Actually I was lucky not because I took care of him but because the paediatrician gave me a Multi Vitamin Drop . Its name was A***@@**!!. I do not want to say it because, it’s not fair. My mother, a nurse by profession, said, “Meena, I gave you this same medicine.” Oh! that’s wonderful, my child is following the same legacy. But the 2 day old child started showing expressions when I gave this medicine and then it was O.K. But after 1 week and after one month too the expression didn’t seem to change and I was a bit confused. So I just tasted a little. I do not know whether I should spit it or to vomit it. Such was the taste and immediately I disposed of the medicine, because if I cannot tolerate this medicine why should I make my child tolerant. I immediately went to the paediatrician and asked for a much more tastier multi vitamin drops and he presc...

Love Conquers All

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. quotes the Bible Honourable Judges, Respected Teachers and My dear friends. I’m hear to speak a few words about the topic “Love Conquers All” Love is a feeling which comes from within our self – The feeling   which makes us a perfect human being. A feeling which transcends all feelings, all bonds and it helps us unite with the Supreme.   Love is portrayed in many ways. Love of parents, children, friends, etc... But can we define love? No, we cannot but we can feel it. We feel it by a simple look, by a smile, by a pat but the end result is indeed worth relieving. The main quality of love is unselfishness. Love humbles the person, he loses his ego, so as to accommodate each and everybody. A mother becomes a mother not only to her child but also to other children too. She with her love conquers the heart of other kids. their parents and ultimately a society. Its just a small example of the power of love Its not easy to get love but its ea...

Reduce Fever

Fever is not a disease but a symptom for another malady. But if we do not treat it timely, we’d face a life threatening situation. Usually when the fever shoots up, the hospital gives a sponge bath. Then at home we try to give bath or put a cold press on the forehead. But that cold press would be the undoing of our body immunity. If   we are not careful as in a hospital atmosphere, the chances of the patient getting cold, chest infection and ultimately pneumonia are more. But I have a suggestion to make. To reduce fever, take a wet handkerchief which is sodden ( soaked) with ice water. Make the patient to hold the handkerchief in his left hand and when it gets dried resoak it and give it to the patient to hold in the same hand. Make sure he keeps his hand away from the body and a dry towel under his hand so that the excess water doesn’t wet his bed. Do this for one hour continuously and you will see the result. But don’t do this when he is sleeping at night, I suggest it be perform...

Advice Of A Mother To Her Daughter – Part II

6.      No Work Is Menial. Do The Job Wholeheartedly. Never think a work is menial. For example, A plumber is a necessity in our society without him our pipes would be leaking. We won’t have anybody to fit the pipes and motors. A mechanic is very important. Though they do not have much of an educational qualification. Their way of working, whether there is perfection, that what counts in the end. Work should be in the standard of how you do it. When you do a job with love and dedication no one can outdo you. You’d be the best in the field. I have a plumber, whenever I call him he comes with a smile on his face and does the job quick and neat. So I’m happy to give the amount he asks. 7.      Take Risks To Be Creative. Once in a while try to give something different than to always walk on usual road. My aunty, she cooks very tasty dishes. The speciality of her cooking is, she cooks food with a difference. When she prepares chappathi, she adds some...

Advice Of A Mother To Her Daughter – Part 1

            I remember when I was young, my mother used to say lots of things to do because I’m a girl, even though she was not the discriminating type, she used to say that you have to know everything, so that no one should say you’re not capable of doing such and such things. Though teenage is the right time to be an all rounder, its an age to just freak out for the child. They might obey it or not obey it is not what is important, the importance here is, to give the information - the advice. You will not believe it. But when the time arrives, the child would utilize it from her limited experience of her life, the encyclopedia her mother had poured into her brain from time to time. So never ever keep back what you have got to say at the nick of time to your daughter. You cannot be with her always. She deserves it, if she has to become a model daughter, employee, employer, wife, mother & grandmother. For that, you ha...

Tips To Become A Good Cook – II

            I always used to ask what is adventure? Is it hiking the mountains or rocky terrains or go rafting in choppy waters or is it skiing in the Alps. Well for me I felt that cooking is an adventure. The cook is on an adventure on a daily basis. If he is a novice then be sure each meal is an adventure for both sides – the one who cooks and the one who eats it. But for me I liked the thrill of cooking and to see the expression on the faces. Don’t think I’m a good cook. But one thing is for sure, even now, my family cannot expect anything ordinary from me. I do like giving surprises and they love to participate in it. My kids would love to come home anticipating what surprise mother has in store for me and it's not fair to deny them that, Right? 1.      Do surprise the family with some variety in your dish/recipe. To see their expression on their faces is indeed worth a try. In my life I learned it from diffe...

Tips To Become A Good Cook

            I became a cook literally after marriage. Before that, I hadn’t an opportunity to cook food or to be frank to stay at home. So when I became a housewife, it was not only a nightmare for me but also for my husband and his family too. And during my life from then on I learned a few lessons, which I would like to share with you all.      1.      Plan your meal a day before. It would save time and energy. For persons to have to go to office with lunch, the meals should be ready before 8. Preparing breakfast, lunch with curries and if it had to be done single-handedly, then planning could help relieve some work. 2.      When you cook try to use as little utensils as possible, you can save on washing. And the wash load which piles after cooking can be reduced. 3.      Never cook dishes with lots of ingredients and difficulty when everybody is on th...