
Just Go To Hell

Yesterday, while I was in the boat, I had a talk about being spiritual. When we say that word, the first thing that comes to mind is prayer or going to a place of worship regularly. Frankly speaking, are you sure, that these people are the people who are spiritual? I would say a big "No" . I have my reasons. The people who are regular pray people, who go to church and temple are a nightmare to deal with. They are inhuman, they are inconsiderate. They feel they are always right because, they have the added bonus of going to church daily and praying from dawn to dusk. But a normal person, who doesn't have nothing to hold on or no set of rules, have only . They bring out what is in them, their innate behaviour - humanity. You know, its the synonym of love. It comes from the very heart and the heart doesn't need any rules. The best of everything comes from the heart and the people who feel that they are right are always a calculating machines, which we could gu

I Am Entitled To....

Today, I had the opportunity to be a part of the crew, to visit the sunset and the heritage of Fort Cochin. I do not know, whether you would believe it, this is the second tine, I have been given this opportunity. The first, I skipped. I didn't feel like going. I gave 1001 reasons not to be there. But before long, the second landed on my lap, which I had no way of to say No. There is one thing, which we cannot miss here. What is for us, comes to us, no matter, how much we say " No ". When I was a kid, I have heard one of my friends grandpa saying that each grain of rice has a name written and that rice would be had only by that person and no one else would get it. At that time, I felt, that he might be joking. Just imagine a grain of rice with our name on it. But with this experience and several more, I knew, he really stated a fact. Even if we run behind any person or thing, if it is entitled to us, then, no matter, how much they try to stop coming, it would come t


Today, a most weird conversation took place at my home. A french lady was speaking about a dream she had. She dreamt, that she was in Paris and was surprised that she was in her hotel in India. So, I asked her, how she felt. "Did you feel sad or happy?" She replied, she didn't feel anything. But when she returns back to Paris, she would really have difficulty to change from Indian to Parisian. When I thought about it, I too had this problem, to adjust to the atmosphere, where we have been replanted. Everything in nature too have this problem, the plants, the stones, the animals. This situation is so precarious, that we would have a tendency to flee to our safe cocoon. But that is what we shouldn't do - flee. We are being replanted for a reason - to grow. When the child takes his first standing from the sitting position, it is a growing up and that continues with the first step, the first run. These stages are nail biting situation for the child. he might f

Why Am I Restless?

Have you ever been restless? I have been, several times, when I was a kid. Today I met a lady, who was restless. Her being, was deathlike, when I started speaking to her. She had lost hope, expectation. I could feel it, that I asked, "Are you OK?" She said, she was not feeling well. She was having fever and she was taking antibiotic, etc..etc... but we all know, how we feel when we are sick and otherwise. So I put the next question. "Are you happy?" Then the reply arrived, "I am restless. I really want to go from here. I have stayed too long here and there is no one to look forward to here. So I want to go." Here she has a reason for feeling restless, there is no one to say as her own, a person or persons to love her. Its innate. We all have it at one point or the other. But believe me, if you are searching for that one loving person or persons, then baby, you are doomed. You would never find it. You came alone to this world and you return alone

Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Sunday

Today, it was not an easy day because, it was a holiday for me. You know, we tend to put loads of priorities on this day. And when all the activities take priority, we are doomed. But, have you ever thought, why we get a Sunday holiday or Friday holiday? To recharge our faculties. Its very very important. When God created this Universe, He took rest at the end of the week. So this holiday is our necessity and not a luxury. But how are we going to recharge ourselves? Eating, drinking, washing and watching movies. Right. ? But that is not what we should do. We are spiritual beings, we are not here to make ourselves smart and beautiful. We are here to become like God, to the level of God and how do we reach to that level? Through only one way can we reach that state and that is through love filled prayer. And for that, we should focus on the communication between us and God. Only then, we would get recharged. So from today, Sundays are here for a purpose fulfill that and

You Needn't Pray

Today, during our family prayer, we have this Bible reading session too. So today, it was my turn to read. I got the part where St. Peter heals a lame man outside the temple. And this man had never gone until then inside that temple. It's really weird, isn't it? Because, we all go to the temple or any place of worship to fulfill our needs and the real gift is distributed outside it. When Jesus was alive, He too did the same. Why is it like that? Have you wondered? Well, I became aware of it today. There is a reason. People, who believe that they have not done any wrong in their eyes and in the eyes of the Lord are the people, who go to pray inside a place of worship and they are sure, they are entitled for a sack full of gifts. But for the people outside the place of worship knows for sure, that they are not eligible to be in the vicinity of the Divine and that is why, they stay out. But there lies the truth, no man is perfect. We all make several mistakes a day wit

A Great Fight

I do not know, whether I should say this. But still I would like your comments on this. When we have a big fight, what is the protocol after it? Do you go and say sorry or weep your heart out or be angry with the opposite party? Well I didn't do any of the above. I do not know, how a fight ensues, but it happened and I too became a party - the center piece. Since age and experience was a plus points to my side, I tried not to bring anger after the biiiiiiiiiiig fight. There is one thing you should know, a clap could be heard only if we join two hands. A single hand cannot make a noise. So I put my mind in a blank state against the words and slanderings and decided to evaluate the reason for starting a fight. As I evaluated, I felt, I could have let a small issue pass by without getting hyped. But there are some things, which cannot be overlooked because it has been overlooked just for the cause of avoiding fights. But if we continue in that state, the other person would n