Why Am I Restless?

Have you ever been restless?

I have been, several times, when I was a kid.

Today I met a lady, who was restless. Her being, was deathlike, when I started speaking to her. She had lost hope, expectation. I could feel it, that I asked, "Are you OK?"

She said, she was not feeling well. She was having fever and she was taking antibiotic, etc..etc... but we all know, how we feel when we are sick and otherwise. So I put the next question.

"Are you happy?" Then the reply arrived, "I am restless. I really want to go from here. I have stayed too long here and there is no one to look forward to here. So I want to go."

Here she has a reason for feeling restless, there is no one to say as her own, a person or persons to love her. Its innate. We all have it at one point or the other. But believe me, if you are searching for that one loving person or persons, then baby, you are doomed. You would never find it. You came alone to this world and you return alone because the body we have would decay and become good manure for the soil. Then what is the use of a loved one? Do we really need a loved one?

Yes, we surely need a loved one, the reason, to direct us to reach our final goal, eternal love.

With eternal love, we do not feel like running anywhere or everywhere, we are happy with our presence. No matter, how many years, you are caged in a cell or in the forest, you would never feel alone or left out or less loved because, the eternal love, which we are seeking, is within us.

So if you are feeling lost or let out or unhappy, then you are in the throes of searching for the missing something. Only advice, don't direct your eyes to people. The people, who are allocated for us, would come to us and fulfill their duty and that goes for us too. So live your life and live happily ever after.

See you tomorrow.

Until then, take care, bye.



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