The Day you Take the First Step...

(29) “ God helps the strong hearted.” “What does that mean Rafael?” “It means courage. One should be courageous to meet God. Have you seen an infant take his first step?” All nodded “Yes Rafael, it’s a bit scaring.” “Its scaring for both the onlookers as well as the child but, it indeed takes the first step because, it has nothing to lose. Don’t think, that the child is thinking all these, OK?” All smiled. “The first step of the child is the miracle of God to mankind and from then on, its solely in the hands of man, to take the first step. That step needs courage. A courage to face all odds. Then we will naturally see the rainbow. The Mt. Everest summit, Tenzing and Edmund reached and many a people who have written their names in the history for being the first in one thing or the other were not chicken hearted and for their bravery, they received very special gift, a place on Earth. But these people became famous not only for their brave heart but ...