Did You Know That You Have the Power to Bring Time To A Standstill?
“Rafael, we have
taken the decision to be with God, after that, we choose a place of our choice
and shut our brain and senses and go and meet our Father in Heaven with our
thoughts, right?”
“Perfectly right, Mark.”
“Now, I know Heaven is above sky but other than that
nothing. Can you explain it a bit Rafael?” All nodded
“ Heaven is so vast that a 1000 suns would not be
sufficient to light it but there is not even a single sun or moon to light it.
But it always has light because, God Himself is the sun there. The light coming
from Him is brighter than thousands of Suns put together.”
“Rafael, the heat and the light of one sun is simply
intolerable in summers, we cannot even look directly at the Sun then how come
we would stand a chance in Heaven and look at God directly?”
“That is true, but the sun here is the aura or the inner
light of God and the warmth here is the love of God, there is no nook that is
dark in heaven as well as in our hearts, when we are in the presence of God. In
Heaven there is a dress code, and all speak only one language and only that
language can be understood by all.”
“Really, which is that universal language, Aramaic?”
“No, Mathew, its Love and the dress code, white.”
“Rafael, you know, when you told about the dress code,
Jesus too has told in a parable about dress code, where a rich man inviting
people for banquet, does it have any connection to the dress code of Heaven?”
“Exactly Mathew, you said it aptly. Now about the dress
code, don’t take literally and go and stitch white dresses for you all. In
heaven, whatever we speak is connected to your inner self.”
“Oh!!! But what is inner self. Can you say it briefly?”
“There is only one definition for the inner self. The Real
You, God’s own creation, the real Mathew or Mark or Monica or Rebecca and the real you is able to see God, feel God
and be with God, but now a shell has covered the real you?”
“Really? Which shell?”
“The disobedience of our first parents and then our
worldly quest for fame, name, riches, that is when we really go blind, then we
lose our identity in that maze and there by lose our dress code. The aura or
our inner light of our self is the dress code.”
“So in real fact the three men in that Bishop’s story
received the dress code, right?”
“Yes Monica, they received it and with it all the
faculties of God. To reach there, it is no easy task. Its like building the
tower – a tower to heaven. There are lots of hurdles, the first thing that
needs to be known is, the strength of the foundation of the tower.
“How can we make a strong foundation Rafael?”
“Good thoughts and good actions, a knowledge that you
would not be able to reach Heaven singlehandedly, then naturally, your ego
would not step in.”
“Why do you say that Rafael?”
“If at any point of time, when you think, you are supreme,
you are privileged and invincible, then the tower falls down because ego is the
root cause of all evil. Then again you will have to start from scratch to find
the way to the destination.”
“What a pity.”
“Yes Mathew, it’s a
pity. Even though man has been given the capabilities as that of God, his full
power comes out only when he unites with God and when man unites himself with God, he becomes the epitome of humility
and the power house of love. He doesn’t need name or fame or riches because he
has reached his destination. He gets to know the universal truth that nothing
can be more fulfilling than the love of God. Nothing can be replaced for God.
That is a moment when time comes to a standstill.”
“Do you mean to say that time would halt?”
“Yes Rebecca, not only time but the whole body comes to a
standstill in the literal sense.”
“Rafael, you’re not joking right?”
“No Rebecca, I’m not joking. Prayer or chatting is an act
of love. When you love someone, you are able to talk to them easily or else
will you be able to do that? – talk to your enemies?”
“No Rafael.”
“Exactly, a person filled with love do not have any
tensions, any hatred, any vices, peace settles in the system. They are
literally free birds. Their heart is clean and their system is clean. At that
time, they’d be the perfect beings and do you know the cells too work
differently. But when our hearts are filled with or partially filled with or if
there is even a slight hatred or vice or anger or whatever evil, wastes starts
“What type of wastes Rafael?”
“Wastes of anger, revenge, sadness, etc... and do you what
happens when waste accumulates?” All nodded in the negative
“It creates blocks, then naturally the working of the cell
is hindered and thereby diseases, hopelessness and oldage sets in faster. So while communing
with God, your body will naturally gain the luster of love and thereby stopping
your body from ageing and starts the reverse process of flushing out all that
is evil from you and makes you a child. So has the time come to a standstill,
we became what God wanted us to be children – innocent and pure. So be known
that prayer can make you young and healthy . But we have again deviated from
our course. So now you know how heaven is and how can you get there. But good actions
alone cannot lead you to Heaven. We’ll discuss it tomorrow?” All nodded
...to be contd....(28)....
Until then... Take care.....Bye
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